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With Shadowlands finished and Sunwell just around the corner in TBC Classic it’s time to start talking about Wrath of the Lich King Classic.
00:00 – Intro, Gold Farming, Grinding
07:05 – Class Balance, Class Design Improvements
21:37 – Dungeons and Raids: Difficulty and Design
40:40 – Final Word
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What are the songs playing during the video? 🙂
The main thing I'm worried about is the community ruining it like they did Classic and BC Classic by bringing the toxic retail mindset. Gearscore, anyone?
They better not buff 10 man content. If I wanted a challenge, I'd play retail. Classis for me is just a chance to roll through a raid with friends while talking shit and equipping purples
If they dont bring rbg, pvp is gonna be same boring shit like now in tbc.
it's funny you bring up the shammy thing. All of our guilds enhance shamans (3/5) are going frost dk. They said they only did enhance as the rotation and twisting is fun but frost rotation is a lot funner.
On enhancement, spellhance does some pretty solid aoe dmg, but i have no idea if it will be a thing in classic wotlk.
think u misspelled holy priest there being useless mate resto shaman is on par with paladin / disc no one ever brings ele or enhance (this is from a 3.3.5 pov)
that was a great watch – thank you
also i love your UI @8:07 (pally ui)… where can i download it?