World of Warcraft's New Patch Is A Worldbuilding Masterclass

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This is the best worldbuilding Blizzard have shipped in a long, long time.


47 thoughts on “World of Warcraft's New Patch Is A Worldbuilding Masterclass”

  1. I like the sound of this and will definatly pay attention to the lore. Also makes me more excited for next expancions as they will re use old continents and they then have the landscape all they need to do is create a new living world there that explains what has changed since we were there. Exciting thats for sure

  2. Are we playing the same patch? How is this better content? Literally was over in like an hour tops, and its time gated to hell in back. Not to mention that the ring is simming WAY low on pretty much every class.

    WoWhead just recently came out with an article that the combination of this week is similar in power to a 571. How is this patch good at all?

  3. you call BOT but weres wow of it_ reusing a scrapped small island aint equal to BOT scale, and how the F this ccrystal was there all this time and not even the diamond king felt his pressence? noooobady saw it until now, how convinient, cool lore text im agree but at the same time i ask why do i really dneed to give a flying F to that nightelve model that transforms like a druid and call us @mortals@ who the F is she?

  4. Yeah, if you're all into reading everything and line graphing story elements and actually sitting there taking time to give a damn about the words coming out of character's mouths like a FF XIV player type, then yeah this will make you happy.
    On the other hand if you're clicking exclamation marks then dragonzipping to the spot highlighted on the map to click the question marks and completely ignoring everything but how much your gear score goes (or doesn’t go) up, like admittedly most of us do most of the time, then it's 45 min a week. Tops.

  5. Your endless fence sitting where you seemingly identify with WoW users who are tired of the crap we get handed from Blizzard to then full 180 and prop up these patches is getting old. I'm never resubbing to Blizzard or purchasing another expansion! Feels about time I unsub from you as well. Just another stooge for Blizzard. 🖕

  6. I dont care . Exiles reach was the shit . Also where is the catch up gear lmao . Everyone is 637and they still give us stuff below 600 . Delve still the best choice by far but you have to farm keys, f that ive done it for weeks on alts.

  7. HEY LOOK!! A new patch. Lol. More "gear" to outdate the rest of the ENTIRE game. Hey, more monsters to hit and kill to get more gear to kill more stuff to get more gear to kill more stuff to get more gear to get more stuff……

    Bruh…..where is the CONTENT!!!!!??? LMAAOOO.

    World of transmog and gear. Thats what this game has become. Everything in the game has no purpose except the .3% of total game data that is "current". They just KEEP ON releasing the SAMMEEE stuff for years and years. How is this game even still played?

  8. I'm sticking with the spinoff known as The ascension project which is having 21 custom classes next spring. The story of the original and the gameplay has been awful after The Legion expansion ended.

  9. Having Dialogue UI was a game changer for the text based story they had for island, wasn't like mindblowing or anything for me but I really appreciated how self contained the story was


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