World of Warcraft's TERRIBLE New Player Experience… let's fix it

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Cataclysm Classic:

Hello everyone I am Jmulls of Jmulls Gaming and welcome to my little corner of the internet!

Walkthroughs, First Impressions, Critique and Reviews for all things video games, by someone who loves video games!

In today’s video, I talk about the many issues World of Warcraft’s new player experience has and the blueprint I think it should use to fix it!

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10 thoughts on “World of Warcraft's TERRIBLE New Player Experience… let's fix it”

  1. They need racial starting zones again. Either remake the current ones, or make new ones, but make sure they go in detail about the race you choose at the start. Remake the character creation screen while you're at it.

  2. Should have new players unable to select allied races until they play the base race questline they are based on, I.E. draenei before lightforged, humans before kultirans, trolls before zandalari, blood elves before void elves.

  3. What a dream about, is bring back classic zones and lore to the retail but with revamped world with new graphic and redesigned quests. Lets show new players Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor first, it’s the foundation of Azeroth. When they hit level 60, let’s the game show them what happened in lore through the years and inform them, that they should now go to the newest content, but they can return to older xpacks to know the lore anytime or with new chars.

  4. We seriously need updated race introductions it's RIDICULOUS that we are still stuck in cataclysm when you make a new character. Like this troll introduction gives you feeling what your race is about the vibes you get

  5. What if they made class starting quest lines that could take you from 1 to current xpack. And each faction had a different set. This would be easier to do than racial zones and make leveling each class unique.

  6. It really needs an update so you know who you‘re playing really. Like a cutscene for draenei where you start up in the flying Exodar and they talk and explain why they are fleeing, then show how they crash, add a solo dungeon thing right before the crash where you try to help
    Until you end up in the starting zone

    I dont know about you, but when i was younger i didnt know for years that it used to be a spaceship 😅

  7. Man, I really miss my first time playing a Death Knight back in WotLK. Still my favorite intro questline to this day. It's the reason I have 6 of the wee buggers.

  8. I could redo the human starting zone (and many others like the belf one, dwarf, etc) over and over again. I wouldn't even think about it, it's so comforting and nice to be there. I also don't feel like someone is holding a gun to my head and yelling at me all the time to do stuff. It shows what you have to do, instead of holding my hand


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