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Vanilla was perfect
LFR is a good thing.
Also i'm still sad about Shadowlands, there were so many great things about it but… not done correctly
Also DF is certainly the extension i enjoyed the less since cataclysm
I hated heart of Azeroth
Legion was the best expansion ever and the legendaries made you feel unstoppable. This video couldn’t be further from the truth lol
To this day, not a single person has given an actual reason why LFR is so bad
I loved dragonflight
DF should be its tone/uneventfulness, Shadowlands should be its story/retcons, WOD should be missed opportunities/missed potential/underwhelming, and BFA should be how it’s not new player friendly/not alt friendly.
Vanilla: Much content unfinished, poor class balance, horrible PvP rewarding system.
tBC: the lore and a story were a complete nonsense mess. The 5-men dungeons were too short and poorly designed.
WotLK: There is hardly any class identity anymore. Everybody can do everything. All classes have strong AoE skills, and it is all just dungeon grinding with the automated random dungeon finder system in which you don't even care which dungeon you grind, because you grind for not particular loot from particular bosses but the currency which is dropped by all dungeon bosses.
Cataclysm: The whole world you knew is gone. Boring, linear and predictable leveling. The game firmly holds your hand even when you don't want it.
MoP: Chen Stormstout was a good little flavor in WarCraft 3 TfT, but building a whole expansion about it feels odd in the World of Warcraft.
WoD: Garrison and lack of end game content. Though WoW had been losing from its MMO elements with each expansion, WoD gave the mercy kill to the game's social aspect.
Legion: Items, lore characters, events, environment inflated in epicness and legendariness that nothing feels epic or legendary anymore. If everybody is a hero and a champion than nobody really is.
BfA: Sounds good, doesn't work. Messy and contradictional lore and story. Boring borrowed power system. Nothing interesting.
Shadowlands: Everything is bad. The World of Warcraft you fell in love with, is gone for good. This is a different game.
Dragonflight: Everything is just so mediocre. The environment, the story, the lore characters and the voice acting are so cringe and childish, it gives you the feeling that there is a low budget company behind it and the game is aimed for 10-12 years old children.
LFR isn't the worse part of Cataclysm son, if anything that helped keep the game healthy by making raiding accessible to everyone not just elitist jerks. That's an utterly trash take.
Attunement was awesome in BC and in Classic….
The murloc sound just cracks me up every single time 😂
Right on
dragonflight is so trash, story is bad, dungeons are mid, zones are nothing burger
I love LFR, I don't have time to sit around for 12 hours a day looking for a party
I love trial of the crusader it was so much fun
Lfr is the only way I can experience raid content I'm glad it's still around
Loved the legendary weapons in legion
Loved the story in dragonflight
Everything else I agree
Are you mad? Dragonflight was the best in years…
people need to get over LFR. it allowed lots of casual players to dip their toes into raiding. i feel like i’ve only ever heard the elite nostalgic players complain about LFR, because they’ve never had to be a casual player
people need to get over LFR. it allowed lots of casual players to dip their toes into raiding. i feel like i’ve only ever heard the elite nostalgic players complain about LFR, because they’ve never had to be a casual player
lfr is actually high key bussin for gearing in retail. i think its cute… for retail…
LFR was amazing dumbass 😂
This gotta be bait
You can't possibly think world quests are better the dailies
MoP was Pandas 💯%
LFR was fine, Catas problem was cut content.
Dragon flights overall story is fine, it just felt like they needed one more patch to tell the whole thing.
They took the world out of the world of warcraft
LFR isnt a bad thing at first, it becomes a bad thing when you get the try hards that just want to sit around and not play the game and spam the same dungeon for hours on in
Pandaria only had like 6-7 reps, and it was super alt friendly because after getting honoured you could buy an emblem to double the rep gain for all your alts.
I actually liked Trial of the Crusader.
Tbh my hate for lfr has gone down overtime, the people who do lfr aren’t the same people doing mythic. It’s just an entry for people that don’t want to grind keys and that sounds fine and dandy to me
If the “attunements” in TBC were too hard for casual guilds, then they could stick to lower level raids. Just like how casual guilds in Vanilla couldn’t progress in raiding because of the difficulty.