WoW 9.0.2 Shadowlands – Best Ret Paladin Legendaries for PvP, Mythic+ and Raiding

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31 thoughts on “WoW 9.0.2 Shadowlands – Best Ret Paladin Legendaries for PvP, Mythic+ and Raiding”

  1. what would be my ideal choice if i wanted to do mythic+, raiding and pvp? something that would give me a slight advantage in everything but still not being the best in any…

  2. Forget soul ash mission if you are on these levels with your hero’s. I lost vs this quest with a full lvl 25 stack of companions. Kyrian is really bad at the mission table btw, all other covenants are superior in this.

    My companions are all around lvl 29 already , and now even now it’s 50/50 if I can succeed at the quest
    Quick tip to level fast : wait for +exp missions and put ALL your companions into them, the exp is not shared everyone gets full 100%
    Skip on the other missions for now bro !

  3. Hey Lvladen youre my favorite WoW related channel on YT so thank you for all of these videos. I love Retribution because of the theme but honestly I dont play it because its lack of mobility is little too much for me (therefore I play WW because the mobility is so fun). But anyway, what are your favorite specs after Retribution? Im just curious

  4. well I mostly play ret because of the lore and because it is flashy, kind of a let down that FV legendary got such a big nerf and it's not that good because I don't think the ret paladins can resist not going for the flashy stuff I know I can't:))

  5. You think you could do a video on Conduits? I know ringing clarity is a go-to but id love to hear ur opinion on the 2nd potency conduits or others since we're gonna be able to use 2 of em soon. Like Virtuous Command vs Templars vs etc etc

  6. I went Necrolords cause I'm a edge lord and the combo of vanquishers hammer + templar Verdict with the tempest lightbringer legendary tsss let me tell you nobody expect the burst


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