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Do you think kyrian is good for pve ?
Was already going kyrian for the transmogs, love the highlight you give right before launch!
What legendary will you pursue first? Love your vids btw 😀 keep them coming
Hey, thank you for clarifying my doubt on the covenant, do u know if every judgment divine toll procs lawbringer?
Hello, for heal and tank it’s the best covenant too ??
Thank you for all the beta testing
The "P" in the thumbnail picture is almost totally camouflaged and with a fast eye pass I thought you wrote "ALADIN" ahahaha 😀
Thank GOD you saved it for the day of. They’re literally making changes every few hours so glad we’re getting the MOST accurate video possible instead of those videos that have been made 2 weeks ago that are completely outdated 🤧
Thanks to Darth for the thumbnail! Awesome inspiration, hope my future ones are close to this quality!
Btw, I don't know if you know but Kyrian's names are Greek. Just saying 😀
is wrench evil the defensive option ? i was gonna go light's barding and pure concentration, locks and spriests are gonna hate facing ret!
i have a feeling kyrian is going to get nerfed eventually and the go-to pick is going to be night fae…which is really going to grind my gears in terms of lore….i'm going to be playing a dark iron dwarf….FURRY??
And there it is <3 Thanks for the video 🙂
Hey I see they buffed Virtuous command back to 40% baseline
Aswell as Templars Vindication now 60% baseline
Do you think swapping to Mikanikos is better, just for the two potency conduits? ((to fit at least one of the two buffed in there)) ?
I'm so glad Kyrian is the goto for pally as it looks the best for pally ^^
Smexy thumbnail :3
If necrolord hammer generates 1 holy power, I d go with it. But seriously, kyrian seems the best choice now
No more BFA!!!! Also, that Thumbnail is one of the best thumbnails ive seen for Wow dude. Keep at it bro.
Would this be the best one for Pve as well?
F*** nice thumbnail bro ! Defenitly got me clicking on the video! Keep it up 🙂
Still deciding if mage or paladin main :/
Wanna play necrolord but why is it literally so bad compared to everything else
Great thumbnail!
I went night fae and im enjoying it so much. You can do so much different and versatile plays. There's no other covenant even cose to be so versatile and solid. Its also avoiding the touch of nerfs since it isnt broken. I can buff my first big burst, do 3 burst in like 2:30 minutes, makes melees does less dmg, given me or healers more heals output and have more mobility. Its all i want. Im sticking with it!