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I was waiting for this all day ! Great video
Would you recommend making the aoe legendary to push m+ on my new pally to at least start gearing before stepping into arenas or just go straight to verdict?
Hey man, nice video!
Could I suggest you something?
Buy a new mic! Your voice is kinda muffled and there is a little buzz in it sometimes.
Thank you!
Best part was slapping that shaman
Expurgation doing great dot dmg when it proc…but the only downside of it is Blade of Justice takes forever to crit even once lol
Im using virtious command right now, because it is always up after judgment and it procs from Divine toll(doesnt stack if u have the buff from judgment) the only downfall from it is that i can be dispeled :/
doing 6-7% virtious depending on the amount of melee
I hear you praising both final verdict and sephuz in your videos. What's the final verdict on which legendary you think is a better pick in an arena environment? Trying hard to get 1800, but I've been using my pve mad paragon so far. Have enough soul ash to make a rank 2 of either, but I'm freezing on which one to make. Thanks for the content!
Which one should i craft if my only purpose is to do pvp (mostly arenas) final verdict or Sephuz?
Thoughts on the viability of Venthyr with a Final Verdict /Righteous Verdict/Templar's Vindication stack paired with Divine Purpose and Sanctified Wrath? I'm trying to convince myself the extra hammer damage from Ashen Hallow makes Final Verdict better for Venthyr, but I'm pretty sure 99% of the time you'd never even notice a difference.
Im uncertain to rather take your conduit or the 10% dmg buff on judgements
Is it worth changing from Mad Paragon, I just bought a new 235 Waist and not sure if I should change to Final Verdict, all that Ash farming and gold
Just make it so convoke can't crit.
Expurgation with decent amount of crit, give it a try
4 hours
virtuous command is really good combined with zeal and aura of reckoning and ofc with ringing clarity, its not all about the % dmg for crusader or templars or blj, its the autos are realy good aswell. try it ull be surprised mate. you can use seraphim and final rec with it if you want. tell me your feedback when you can or when you test it if you can
Why are there multipul binds of the same abilitys?
I dont think it is sad that the conduit was doing 2%, i think it was sad that it almost did as much as crusader strike. #MakeCSGreatAgain