WoW 9.0.2 Shadowlands – Ret Paladin PvP – Expurgation Test! 1mil+ Damage!

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39 thoughts on “WoW 9.0.2 Shadowlands – Ret Paladin PvP – Expurgation Test! 1mil+ Damage!”

  1. If you ever want friends to do pvp with love to add ya and learn a bit man trying to main ret and prot as much as possible could defiantly use some help learning to play better if you ever get the time but love the constant updates helping allot!!💯

  2. 1.3% is a wrong way to read statistics. These conduits are not meant for sustained damage, but to help you when bursting with Seraphim and Wings. In Arena that's the only thing that matters, it's the burst windows. Try and test it "as if you're going for the kill" and see how it actually works

  3. Hi! Love you vids 🙂 I noticed that when you cast divine toll after activating avenging wrath, there is no "delay". When I activate my wings, there is a significant amount of time (longer than GCD) to apply divine toll. I have a macro that activates /cast seraphim /cast avenging wrath /use 14 (my pvp dmg trinket). What could be causing this? Many thanks! 🙂

  4. i left a comment about this conduit in another video, ty for testing it! the dot is very strong but its sad that it has to be a crit because majority of ret players are going either mastery or haste and crit as the third stat. maybe later this becomes viable but maybe for now it's better going something else

  5. Hey man, had the same conclusion. The dot is strong, but lacking crit. Been watching AWC. Most if not all ret paladins used the Reign of endless kings legendary. Might be something to check out.

  6. Curious if you'd be willing to play with viewers. I'm new to the expansion took a few years off. returning and playing my Paladin and Rogue. ret seems to have more skills than I remember when I left in Legion.

  7. You think the divine storm legendary would be good in pvp? For instance let’s say you’re on eye of storm and it’s just you and a tank in mid tanks getting flag like 6 horse are charging to you guys at the flag and you decide to just stay and fight them all knowing they will fight you over chasing flag, so you pop everything would divine storm legendary help more to wipe that group out ya think and do great damage or not enough damage to replace for just final verdicts burst? I figured if I could pop off divine storm and land 4K+ crits can pop it off twice and divine toll and then again and it’ll probably wipe a group and work well, but I at the moment am trying to make final verdict 235 rn just gotta wait time do later 8s again next week and then I got it done so haven’t been able to try wondering if you have?

  8. Hey bro, please give me your suggestion.

    I really want to use seraphim, but it’s very difficult to me use it when I’m in duel or arena. Maybe it’s difficult because I don’t use any macros?

    I always open using that ashes skill that give me 3 holy power and then I use seraphim, and after this I finally burst.

    Do you have any tips for me? I really want keep seraphim. It worths a lot

    Thank you
    Best regards from Brazil 🙂

  9. Crit build would be fun but the diminishing returns on secondary stats combined with the need to minimize GCD (aka need for haste) and the obvious need for versatility considering the vers buff trinkets… just means no matter what crit is last on list… that being said, like you said the crit from wings and crit from seraphim makes your crit pretty sweet anyways. So I would say no to crit build as a conclusion.

  10. iv been holy since launch, hit 2100 cr and was getting bored, so i went ret, bought my 226 mace, and all my states were crit, i must say its hilarious, with final verdict legendary, i was 18%crit, but i noticed as i lowered my crit seeing low crit rates kinda sadden me, im gonna sit at a equal amount of crit and haste


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