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what about night fae???
You take a Covied Vaxx ? gz ………………………………………. you got nerfed
lol i dont think I have it in me to do another covenant campaign even if it turned out to be better.
kyrian does better damn BUT you get 2 extra shields with necrolords so u dont gotta run tank leggo
Why u didnt test Kyrian with seraphim and FV? isnt it even stronger then?
Hey man! Awesome video. On your main geared pally. What are your stat percentages?
What is that weapon tmog? Love the red
so necro is less burst. is it fair to say that the main benefit of choosing necrolord is survivability and more utility? vanquisher's hammer crit for 8k, would would also heal for 8k with the conduit (not a bad heal at all on a 30 sec cd), you get a 15% shield when you fall below 50% in marileth's tree, and you get a big shield in fleshcraft which can also make you immune to CC.
I'm keeping my main kyrian but i'm leveling a necrolord alt to try it out. seems like being way tankier might be fun and bring new ways to play ret. especially considering most of the time, teams are going to be trying to force your bubble early and then train you the whole game. idk, the utility and added survivability seems like the true benefits rather than having less burst.
Thoughts on FV lego + Righteous Verdict + Crusade.
I need coaching so badly….I get wrecked. I think im just gonna stay kyrian
Thank you for testing this, I almost switched covenants lol.
What if as necrolord you ran the final verdict leggo with divine purpose talent?
i guess the divine toll progg still too strong compared to everything else.
I knew this but now the fleshcraft gives u 40 percent health shield that's so much it can't be ignored it simply can't how can u not run it if u play pvp. How can I pass that up?
I have both cov about maxed. I think the shield and 30 sec cooldown on hammer is worth for necrolord.
Wait, did you take into account that Vanquisher's Hammer has a 30 second cooldown compared to one minute on Divine Toll? Wouldn't this change the numbers around?
Unrelated to Kyrian vs Necrolord — I built Final Verdict and it’s incredibly underwhelming… did they make some last minute change to that too?
Have you picked up Righteous Verdict/Divine Purpose to compliment Final Verdict Lego or are you planning to continue to run Zeal/Seraphim? – Seeing a lot of flip-flopping online about which ones better
good video mate but toy are no considering the fact of you are no at the same level of the covenant also if you will like to match damage you need to go for the aspect of damage in the necro , so on my opinion if you necro ret make that damage I believe if you compare the burst aspect it will easy match or over take
also, we have to take into consideration no all meta will be just burst damage this one going more to control and in defense matter necro is better
Hey bro, love your vids, very informative. Was doing some math and I’m not sure we got a nerf to DT. If the initial hit is no long reduced to 75% and the follow up hits are down to 66% then total assuming we got max procs would be like 100+(66*3)=298 where it was 75*4=300, so barely a nerf but when you consider the extra aoe hits are back to 100 as well isn’t that a buff? Probably not right tho since I’m no good at math but just wondering
Maybe I should start 3 more Rets as Twinks, one for each covenant, just in case.
But Kyrian is just really strong in every content, and a 1min CD lines better with the Pala toolkit, 30s is a bit off with Necros.
Shouldn't we also account for the difference's between phial and fleshcraft shield? plus the cooldown on Vanquisher's Hammer is 30 sec so you can get two of those off to one divine toll.
Maybe I'm missing something, but this doesn't seem like a fair test. Why not use Reck before DT on the test similar to how you are trying to buff VH? Judgment is Holy damage, so not using Reck to buff it first in the exact same manner as VH seems disingenuous. Even with that, Kyrian still edges out. VH is just a very underwhelming ability.
How’s the Prot Pally with this patch? I still like playing it in PvP and your last video looked fun.
Correct me if I'm run, but hasn't Divine Toll's damage been buffed? Prior to 9.0.5, the entirety of Divine Toll and Ringing Clarity did -25% damage in PvP. However, now, based on the patch notes, your vid and my own test results, the initial bit of Divine Toll is doing its full damage and the Ringing Clarity procs are doing 33% less damage. This means that with no procs, you are doing the full PvE damage, with 1 proc you are doing 16.67% less damage overall than in PvE and with 2 procs you are soing 22% less damage than in PvE. In all cases, you are doing more than the flat -25% damage from last patch.
Hello, i think necro with Emini do more consistance dmg, cause in 3v3 pally can up 9% str. Can u test this?
Blizz is NOT gonna force people to change covenant with how bad changing covenant is right now
There is no way Divin Toll is gonna be worse than any other covenant in PVP , it is designed for this current burst meta SL PVP will keep until end of expansion
So relax , don't worry , you can always level ults to try new things
After testing as well the max burst i got with necro on the ptr was 51k = That was with Vanquishers Hammer > FV > DS on the pvp dummy. But i 1000% agree with you it take to long to set up compared to Kyrian with less hp generation. Kyrian still top and BiS
I swapped necro , the amount of survivability you can get from frictionless coating and the outplay potential with ultimate form is nice, on top of that I don’t feel as starved for holy power. The second soulbind also gives you 12 percent strength when you use vanquishers hammer which can be good for pve and BGS maybe. But overall kyrian might be “better” I just prefer not to roll a slot machine every time I use divine toll
Bro great video and love your content but come on, 5 ads in a 12 minute video?
I think it’s a mistake to not count the Final Verdict damage when counting the burst damage for necrolord covenant ability. Yes, FV is a baseline ability, but you’ll never get that Divine Storm proc without using FV. They go hand in hand.
Great vid again. Thank you for the thorough explanation.
Did you get to test out templar’s vindication yet? Is it working as intended now?
Kyrian got nerfed? Sorry bro dont see it

Hammer 30 sec cool down so that's that already plus much better defences