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World of Warcraft Patch 9.2 Developer Preview is about to launch, here is my wishlist for what I want in WoW Shadowlands Patch 9.2
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Hey Acco, are you ready for the trailer?
One of the best feature of patches or new expansions is that U don't know exactly what the story/mechanics/gameplay will be. And I hate that Blizz, to clean they image, gives this "reveals", what is coming next etc. Its feels like spoiler… o_O. Imho good company doesn't have to do this. They are waiting of approval? it's not how it should word… just sayin'
They have to finally bring back Arthas for his redemption story, and Uther gives us the perfect narrative for it.
"I was wrong. I only tried to kill Arthas… I should have tried to SAVE him. I will not fail him this time."
On M+, I would get rid of keystones ENTIRELY. Make them pure unlocks as layers tied to the affixes. Roll in, you can do 1-5. Clear 5, 6-10 unlocks, and so on. If you can do a 10, why waste time dealing with an 8 key? 11 is exactly the same difficulty as 10, just with affix.
While we are at it… let us turn on affixes as we want them. Min-max tuning for speed… then mog or title for certain affixes being on from the start to 25… and so on.
Tune for FUN. If people want to run for speed… let them. If they want to go for loot… then stash chests throughout you have to clear to find, then open at end. Stop being a system and make it a GAME again.
If they did every change you suggested in this video to the letter I still wouldn’t come back because I don’t like the game, it’s dead I’m not coming back. I ont care if it gets good I’m not coming back
yeah covenants are dumb and boring
I agree Zovall needs to remain. This is leading up to something unreal major in the lore and of we kill him off then it’s a huge waste of time resources and story plot lines. What I can tell you 100% will happen is dailies upon dailies and rep grinds. They will never take those out of the game or alter them for us to have fun. I disagree on the vault being down 7 days and we cannot provide progress towards it. What I think should happen is we start at level one, meaning one dungeon on raid boss and 1500 honor for pvp. If we don’t select loot then we get the currency inside it and it goes in cd for 7 days. But the loot remains and we keep progressing higher and higher until we reach a piece of desired loot then it resets back to 0. So like pvp for example has like 6500 honor for 3rd box make a 4th box 10k then a 5 box 15k etc until we choose a piece of pvp gear or dungeon gear but whatever row we choose resets to 0. Honestly I want 10.0 to be delayed until it’s ready. Idc if it’s 2 years from now . We deserve a proper gameplay experience with fun. And I want good storytelling for once.
Ehh i think they should just remove M+ and just rescale heroic and mythic dungeons to be the same difficulty as herioc and mythic raids.
Im just over M+ ive never liked the timer in it, or if the keep M+ plz dear god seperate it from raids. They need to have M+ gear nerfed for raids just like dom gear and future tier gear set bonus dont work in dungeons.
Edit: why do i have to run M+ for raids, while M+ers dont have to raid to M+. And yes i know in Legion M+ers had to run raids for tier to do dungeons and i didnt like or think that was fair and its not fair now.
What we expected: Fun
What we got: Disappointment
9.2 sounds like it's gonna be fun….the kind of fun that I won't touch with a 10 foot pole.
I would play Acco's 9.2. I probably won't play Blizzard's.
Someone tell me a class to play. I have one of everything and can’t decide on a main. Idc what just pick for me lol.
A very very good 💡 💡 ..