WoW Beginners RACE GUIDE – Part 1 – Alliance [World of Warcraft Guide]

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In this World of Warcraft beginners Race Guide we are going to cover all of the Alliance Races. First we will talk a little about why race choice is important in WoW, and the impact that it will have on you as a new player. Then we will go through each Alliance race and talk through their racial abilities, both passive and active, as well as giving some examples of where you might use them and some potential synergies to consider when picking your race in WoW. This includes all of the Allied Races.


0:00 Why are Race important in WoW?
3:00 Human
5:02 Dwarf
7:48 Night Elf
11:33 Gnome
13:28 Draenei
15:21 Worgen
17:21 Pandaren
21:05 Void Elf
24:12 Lightforged Draenei
26:48 Dark Iron Dwarf
29:35 Kul Tiran Human
31:22 Mechagnome

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36 thoughts on “WoW Beginners RACE GUIDE – Part 1 – Alliance [World of Warcraft Guide]”

  1. humans have the best Racial for farming rep.
    Dwarfs/dark iron make good tanks, and look silly in everything but hunter sets and some warrior sets, like priest dwarfs looks so off.
    Night elfs best druids and rouges, good mounts too. Easy gold too
    Draenei The males head shrink in armor which looks odd. Females make good wifius if your in to that kind of thing i guess, they make good shamans as they look good in lot of mail and totems are cool.
    Worgen Free mount, human druid? Fast skinning. Women are hot
    Pandaren Amazing! 10/10 you should have made one before you even got the game.
    Void Elf Like the blood elfs? but hate the horde? your welcome. No paladin
    Light Draenei its like being a Draenei but all the good as been sucked out of you to make you white and have less hair. No shaman
    Dark iron dwarfs talked about them already
    Kul Tiran Thicc humans with some cool voices, yeah human druid this time 100%.
    Whatever the fuck that thing is they made, may Ra help us all. Of course I'm talking about the Mechdemons from someones sick dreams.

    But to be far all the races are good, and can do the same thing any other race can sure some do have some things that might make one thing a little easyer but so do all the other races. Good luck out there.

  2. Hi which one of these abilities do you think are better and why: – Void Elves "Spatial Rift" Or Goblins "Rocket Jump" ???

    – Humans "Will to Survive" or Undeads "Will of the Forsaken" ??

    as to current patch…

  3. Definitely agree lightforged racials are pretty lackluster. Demonbane is soooo lackluster. Void elf racials are so nice! A teleport? AND my spells wont get interrupted? That honestly sounds OP compared to demonbane 😂

  4. Damn I stopped playying wow in 2012 when humans still had perception as a racial. The current wow looks nothing like i used to play.

    I dont understand why they made variant races of existing ones like light forged dranei or zandalarian trolls for example..

  5. Awesome video mate; one thing though, you forgot to mention that as a rogue or druid NE you get a vanish from shadowmeld, as you can instantly prowl/stealth from it.

  6. Can I just ask real quick how the human racial Will To Survive actually works? At first I thought it was an exclusive PvP ability because I don't PvP and I have never gotten the thing to work. Some mob snags me in a stun and I try to use the racial, but I always get the message that “you can’t do that while stunned”… ehm, no sh*t? I am trying to REMOVE the stun so I can do stuff… XD To this day, I have never managed to make use of it. Oh, do you need to target yourself maybe? Because I just now realized that I never do that, but then again, it feels like that would create some issues in fast-paced PvP.

  7. My older brother recently convinced me to get the game. He's 8 years older than me and when the game first game out/ its peak of popularity, I was way too young to play or understand how to play. Now that I'm older, I started playing with him and I'm having a blast! This and your Horde video has been extremely helpful. Thanks so much!

  8. Here are my ideas for each alliance race/class if I play world of Warcraft

    Male human warrior/female human mage

    Male dwarf Paladin/female dwarf hunter

    Male night elf druid/female night elf hunter

    Male gnome mage/female gnome rogue

    Male Draenei Paladin/female Draenei priest

    Male Worgen rogue/female Worgen hunter


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