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This is a how to guide on getting the hidden feral form for druids
1) Start Legion – either from the board or from Chromie
2) Get artifact weapon Fangs of Ashamane
3) Equip and be in Feral Form
4) Head to dreamwalk in feral spec with fangs equipped
5) Wait 1 minutes to hear a screech
6) Come back tomorrow after reset and try again (do not log out in dreamwalk it will glitch)
Macro to see if you have an active screech and stone:
/dump C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(44329)
/dump C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(44328)
/dump C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(44327)
Thank you for this, I was going crazy trying to figure out if it was still active lol I tried today and didn't get a screech, but I'll keep trying!
Hey man do u have macro on true / False if u touched stone or no ? bcs that on wow head dont work for me … today i touched ferelas but i want to see if it count for me thanks
Thanks a lot. It was quite informative.
I got the brown form but I want the white one. I'm confused now if I have to do 200 Legion world quests or does it work with Shadowlands too? I haven't found a way to track this progress.
I got 2 screeches in a row while in balance spec, but now there has been no screech for a week or more. Does it matter if I'm balance, since the first 2 screeches happened in balance? Probably just gonna take a bit.
it's all true exept not leaving character,since I've heard screech on character i left there…