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Hey Guys Grapemint here. In this Wow Gold Challenge i want to try and see how Goldmaking is for a fresh char on a new Account. Or how it would be if you wanna start out on a new Realm. Come with me on this wounderful journy in World of Warcraft Shadowlands
#grapemint #goldmaking #auctionhouse
I would like to see you play on some low pop realm, would be amazing to see how to make gold there
have you remaned the bird studen? pls say you have
The crafting sound in the background XD Thats a true gold maker right there
maybe you should try the on going dark moon faire? fishing there would be much more valuable, also you can get food recipes
if this guy can use these methods on kazzak they will work on any other server 100%. kazzak AH is the worst i'd ever experienced in wow lol
Awesome man, if this reaches enough people you will boom!
i feel like u should have thrown away the extra trike instead of selling it for 25s since u could only sell it because u already had it. wouldnt that be a benefit of your existing mounts? u are now 25s richer because of that. loving the content though, just wanted to point that out lol.
You totally stole my idea from a comment I left you! 🤣🤣
Glad you're doing it because I'd probably never get round to it.
I hope the series goes well for you. 👍
Looking forward to it man. But I think you should consider muting your other WoW account if it's running. It's a bit distracting hearing your characters on other accounts do crafting, lol.
Jesus that crafting noise was driving me nuts I thought my WoW was bugged.
Can’t you just right click the items in your bag with then AH open to sell items? Looking forward to the next video man
Kazzak is not a new server, is top 1 server…That was a lie!
Congrats on 700 subs! Fun content!
I'm so impressed with all your series. I went from like 400 gold to 20k this reset selling Shadowcore Oil, Embalmer Oil Crit food and Tome of the Still Mind.
All your tips have been great so far!
Love this
I am looking forward to this series, thanks for the content