WoW Mage PvP – Shadowlands 9.0 – Fake Vurtne

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We are back in Buiseness with this pvp series i enjoyed so much doing during Legion and not so much in bfa, with Shadowlands it looks like we have some “interesting” game mechanics and fun tricks to exploit

Let me know what you liked (if you liked anything that is) and would like to see more in the future, big burst, arena, 1vx, engineering tricks, fail compilation, impossible comebacks

-Intro: Warcraftmovies Shadowlands by Infeçt


All rights respectively go to the record labels and artists. This is for entertainment purposes only and by no means am I monetizing this video.


21 thoughts on “WoW Mage PvP – Shadowlands 9.0 – Fake Vurtne”

  1. So good, perfect mix of old school vibes on a new expansion idk how you manage to nail it every time. It's like a mix of a bunch of great mage vids in one, reminds me of a hansol style video too. Epic.

  2. Funny how these WoW edgelords almost always have some ear-splitting shrieking metal background music, almost like they're trying to compensate for their incel neckbeard status 🙂

  3. Nice editing dude! Real clean. Good music. And neat playstyle! Time to ding my mage i see. Greetings from Sulliken, the human priest you met in Revendreth.


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