WoW News! Hearthstone Anniversary Details, This Weeks Events & More!

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Welcome to Warcraft Weekly – The series aiming to bring you all the latest news and information around World of Warcraft, including Live Game News and hotfixes, In development updates from the PTR and Alpha or Beta for The War Within, community highlights, event information.. and more! Anything current and WoW related, you can expect to find within these episodes.

Make sure to jump into the Discord to leave your transmog of the week submissions – Any questions, please leave as a comment below!

Transmog of the Month Theme – CATACLYSM
– Use the Discord link below to submit your transmog!
– Either use Cataclysm gear, or go for an elemental themed transmog that would suit the Cataclysm era!

Cheers for watching, have a great day! Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more WoW Guides and Content


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14 thoughts on “WoW News! Hearthstone Anniversary Details, This Weeks Events & More!”

  1. Speedy one this week guys due to busy times irl, thank you for watching! ❤️
    Final week to submit your Transmog for the Monthly Competition so make sure you jump in the discord to do so, if you'd like a chance at winning the £20 balance!

  2. @LazyBeast Gaming question what is the addon that makes the that the screen that way in the picture for the character page the druid transmog is shown in the picture near the end?i love the look of it would love to know please! would you happen to know?

  3. It's different on NA servers, Kazra doesn't offer a Red item for completing the timewalking dungeons, it's a purple (we don't have Red items in NA). Also Kazra doesn't offer a quest/reward for doing Arathi Blizzard, neither does the weekly PVP quest giver.


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