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Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
00:39 General Info
02:13 Setup
02:43 Levelling
05:18 Loot & Gear
08:26 Cloak of Infinite Potential
09:57 Bronze (Currency)
10:55 Rewards
13:09 Final Thoughts & Outro
What do you think of WoW Remix?
"cries in 12 years to get Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent* It dropped last week lmao, after 12 years and now this.
Im actuality really excited for this
What a missed opportunity to bring back the challenge mode armor with a new color or something.
I want to kiss who's idea this was. Great stuff , really great. Finally
Guys, quick question can we transfer our alts back to current content when we finished Pandaria remix?
Legendary cloak appearances can be unlocked, that's awesome.
Again, awesome video! Thanks for the info!
im just sad they dident use this chance to gain the skins many of us missed like the challenge mode armor and weapon skins and the legendary cloaks.
There was a saying in BfA and Shadowlands "I Miss Pandaria". Guesa the devs must have caught the cries in the wind. I love this.
Rip CM sets
what's the point in this? i am confused
Wow versions..
Classic (bumping up to Cata soon)
Classic Era ('vanilla like, forever')
Seasons of Discovery
Plunderstorm -> becoming Remix
So currently 5 WoW options to play?
Man, wish I had more free time
I need RL alts.
So hype. Big w from blizzard.
As a lock that didn’t play MoP … was really hoping for a chance at the Challenge Mode sets … shame
Clutch of Ji-kun bro… this gamemod is for collectors
I really wish they added the MoP Challenger mode class sets in this :’(
Curious, which class would be best to run thru this?
I just need to get the cloak effect on retail and I’ll be fine
They should add queable wsg.
Will we be able to use add-ons?
Where can I find this unit frame? Or is this stock with MoP Remix?
Are we ever gonna know when the plunderstorm mode is gonna end. People said 6 weeks, but that wasn't set in stone.
Man I shouldn't have watched this lol. The hype is unreal
Seems like a lot of min-maxing. I look forward to the addons to help wiht everything. I also already have 1 of every race and multiple of each class. I dont really need any more alts added to my army. So i sure hope that this one new toon i make will be able to do it all, and i wont need to make alts to get most of the stuff
Any chance blizzard will bring back challenge mode gear?
Actually really keen for this, enough changes to keep things interesting, and SO SO much to collect!
so level a new character to play old content that doesn't transfer anything worth while to retail. focus on retail and screw this smoke and mirror crap
So they just took timewalking add some mogs and sheet and bring this as new content?
Good job.
Just to clarify, we dont get to play the classes as they were in MOP? They are still like they are in dragonflight?
Popped on the ptr tonight to give it a go. Seems mounts also drop from quest reward chests I got the phoenix from one.
for me ive been playing on the PTR atm and i love it getting to play my main class in an expansion when it wasn't here DH, and Survival hunter melee spec i love both these classes and i loved the scenarios back in mop ive always wished i could try them with these specs and now i can
This looks like it will be a ton of fun! I'm excited to collect more transmog sets and mounts. Now I just have to pick a class and race.
I cant wait for them to do this for LEGION content. Imagine adding another legion weapon for all of classes. Even adding weapons for evoker.
So no SOO looms and no Lego cloak right quest chain? They give you a diff cloak? Can someone please confirm?
sadly the only thing we wont get are the actual class builds and talents we had back then. MoP classes were the best and its not even close.