WoW Shadowlands ( 40man World Boss) 5800x + 3070 , Max Settings August 15, 2021 by Mariush Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about Shadowlands ➜ R7 5800x RTX 3070 64 GB RAM 3600 MHz source
My 1660 super gets 100 fps maxed ultra settings in 20 man raids. Theres no way you're this low fps with an rtx 3070 Reply
It was 120 fps, it became 60 fps. Your video is the best. I also bought a rtx 3070, I have 50 – 110 fps Reply
Something ain't right, I'm doing 240-120fps on 1440p with 2060 and Ryzen 3900x, and ultra settings. I have like 60-70fps in Ashran. Check if your windows is running in power saver mode, for me, it was by default. Reply
60 FPS for 2k – this is a dogshit GPU. Should by GPU when 240 FPS, 240Hz in 2k. Wait next generation of GPU Reply
min 2:23
50fps / 11% CPU Usage… This game runs like crap.
No 4k and no Ray tracing. Try this in a epic bg with 40vs40 Fights pls. I bet ur under 20 fps
My 1660 super gets 100 fps maxed ultra settings in 20 man raids. Theres no way you're this low fps with an rtx 3070
It was 120 fps, it became 60 fps. Your video is the best. I also bought a rtx 3070, I have 50 – 110 fps
Does recording also affect you frame rate ?
Tnx! Wanna see test of Epic BG Ashtan
Something ain't right, I'm doing 240-120fps on 1440p with 2060 and Ryzen 3900x, and ultra settings. I have like 60-70fps in Ashran. Check if your windows is running in power saver mode, for me, it was by default.
Would these specs but with a 34 inch ultra wide 1440 be even worse fps? Ty
How your gpu staying so cool? Mine 3070 ti stays around 75 to 78c?
60 FPS for 2k – this is a dogshit GPU. Should by GPU when 240 FPS, 240Hz in 2k. Wait next generation of GPU
Ray Traced Shadows : Disabled 🙂 Not Max Settings