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Shadowlands new leveling system for Alts is called Threads of Fate. This enables us to skip all the cinematic, lore, roleplay and campaigns. It allows us to embark into the experience of World Quests, Dungeons, Objectives and Side Quests. This method has been proven to be almost twice as fast as doing the campaigns per zone.
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Paladin Leveling:
Palading Leveling pt 2:
Hunter Leveling :…
Priest leveling:…
Shaman leveling:…
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Threads of Fate has been proved to be the fastest way around this. What was the fastest way you guys leveled up?
Thanks for the Advice bud i would have actually went with just storyline quests but this seems much better 🙂
Great content and production homie! Next step: un-scuff the microphone 😀
bro i got nothing from this
Dude. What is the addon that makes the broker bar look like that at the bottom of the screen. I have been looking for that for a while
Most of the popular opinion as far as leveling alone and experience per hour, doing the campaign and then swapping to threads of fate at level 59 and half is the fastest way to level, you disagree according to the video but that's the popular opinion.
whats with the dislike ratio
Months later the best, but not the quickest is to just grind dungeons And Bgs to complete those renown quest and honor cap for a full set of good lvl 60 gear to start with
So this is just a video telling us to choose threads of fate? What a waste of time