WoW Shadowlands: A Bittersweet Lookback

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With WoW Dragonflight right around the corner, let’s talk about Blizzard’s masterpiece: The Shadowlands expansion..

Original Video by GravityBind

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34 thoughts on “WoW Shadowlands: A Bittersweet Lookback”

  1. 5:12 i've said this forever an it's why I think flying ruined the game in some regard. Socializing is paramount. It's how you create friends, and adversaries. At least when you're on the ground there's far more opportunities for player friction. You need a game to emulate life in a way. Familiar strangers good or bad in a way are what make a game feel like home.

  2. People don't need a game that they can spend 20h a day for months to no end. Blizzard want's that game, not the people. The game is not made for the people. It's made to milk money out of people. And with that ideology there is no way that they can make a game that's enjoyable. Even I give them 1 month of subscription per patch (except shadylands) and I'm the most filthy casual that ever was.

  3. Why does everyone talk about MMOs like they are their end game content? If the world and journey and social aspects don't matter and all we want is end game raid content why not just ask for hero lobby games…like if you could just have a ready to go entry level warrior and que for the raid it seems like these people would be happier. I disagree, I want to have adventures on the way there with other people. Everyone is in such a rush. Make some tea and play with your friends, relax.

  4. Valor points or some equivalent to buy targeted gear would be a massive improvement. I don't think people quit once they have the complete set of gear – that's when they finally get to play the game as intended.

  5. on the issue of social experience in MMORPGs, We need to all except that the reason why so many ppl don't want to socialize like the old days is because so many ppl aren't fun to play with. Im not sure there's even anything devs could do to help because its just a community problem. We the players are not fun to play with and until we the players change that no one will want to play with us.

  6. Leveling in WOTLK is already braindead due to new skills and talents. it is the hardest at around level 6 when you leave the noob area and might stumble upon level 6-7 quests, and just gets easier from there. it is moot to argue whether WOTLK or retail is more braindead on leveling.

  7. Blizzard thinks that players leave once they have all the gear, so they make getting the gear timegated. Instead they should be looking at why players are leaving when they have the gear. The solution Blizzard is using isn't a solution that fixes the problem. It's like using a band-aid on someone who's broken their arm.

  8. lol i was 14 when wrath dropped but id been playing since vanilla but wrath was when i join one of the best guilds id ever been a part of, i miss them. a few have passed and many have moved on but i did meet one IRL at a convention and holy shit. it was crazy. i miss that guild lol

  9. I firmly believe the people that only clear normal/lfr raids in retail cant clear raids in wotlk, they are braindead, and you cant compare heroics/mythic raids difficulty with the only one difficulty there is in wotlk or previous patches

  10. No matter how much they change the game to seem more accessible, they have the same approach of reusing content to make content. Too many difficulties for instances and raids, reputation for some rewards, dailies for more rewards. By the time you have gotten the rewards you have wanted, you either suffer from severe burnout, or its the end of the expansion. The gear treadmill was a great way to progress over the first 59 levels, now they try and reproduce that same sense of progression in 5-10 levels. Smaller world, less levels, less rewards spanning 2 years and this is exactly why Blizzard have become the fun police. If they allowed for players to have fun, Blizzard would have too work, but it's easier to slap a modifier onto content with some ilvl bloat and call it good.

  11. "MMO doesn't have to be fun all the time" disagree. People play shooters, mobas, rts's, etc. games every day for hours on end for years. If MMO fails to keep players like this, then it's definitely a failure of the MMO.

  12. there should be warmode battleground like legit outside open world BG in one or all of the zones its just you do it if you under max level you get xp if your max you can get pvp loot unique items such as toys,pets,mounts,and transmog along with the current rated pvp currency and non rated currency. let people farm it something that could be done in the next xpac aswell without you having to change or scale anything because all people have to do is go there. LIKE IN LEGION IN BLAKCROOKHOLD WE HAD a small glimpse t this with the areana you could just go in and fight now imagine it larger with rewards for everyone. now keep in mind we can have stuff like this for literally ahything just make the mmrpg more RPG like stop the focus on endgame give reasons to go around the world that isnt an endgame currency bring back the mowhawk grenade to small things

  13. at this point im pretty sure that all changes that no one asked in any given mmo happen for this reason :

    in any company, any job one might have, theres always a point where an employee will go speak to the boss and ask ''ok im on top of everything for the week what else is there to take care of?'' and the vast majority of bosses wont say '' well theres nothing else for now so just go home bud''…no the vast majority will try their very best to find something to do for the employee and if they dont find anything? then some will flat out CREATE a problem for teh employee to solve OR just ask him to fiddle with something thats already working 100% perfectly… changes happen that no one asked….

  14. 33:05 so ive been saying the vault is bad and gear drops to often nowadays because of this, peoples goal most of the time is the gear not the boss kill. that and the fact the games been out since 2004 and has onyl gotten what? 4 new classes? 2 new specs? thats not alot at all its dry people want more to do just not in endgame they want to do it again a different way and ofcourse you have those who just gear their main and stop thatll always happen

  15. Vanilla WoW was a lot harder from an RPG standpoint than current retail, but the problem was everything was figured out beforehand so most of the difficulty of no expansion WoW removed. Furthermore player power was vastly increased due to the way they started the progression in the final patch with finalized talent trees and revamped items. Classic was a halfass recreation of vanilla.

  16. One thing I always disagree with Asmongold and WoW in general about: The whole Lore vs Gameplay argument. Asmongold says that if it's a tug of war between lore and gameplay, lore should always lose. However, I say, if it's a tug of war between lore and gameplay…you've already lost. Those two things should always compliment each other, not fight against each other. Regardless of whether you make a fun game that makes no sense or you make a cohesive story that sucks to play through, you still lose either way, especially in an RPG where the two exist to prop the other up. And that's the biggest problem I have with both WoW's gameplay AND story telling…they constantly are at odds with each other when they never should be.

  17. The problem with current wow is community. Loot drama, memes and stuff that makes the community alive does not exist anymore. Addons that play the game for you and actually makes it easier is a big one aswell. You have to keep up with addons and if you dont have then you suck. I love wow but its gotten so hard to minmax that its like reading the dictionary backwards. Most people want to play to their full potential but to do that you have to keep up with to many things and put so many hours in. Its not alot of skill anymore its mostly hours (talking pve). I raided mythic first patch in shadowlands bcs i was unemployed. When i got back to work i had to stop and my guild took me out of the main raid group. Then the other problem is gold farmers, boosters and all these services. You dont have to play the game as long as you can just buy tokens and get the best gear. Either take the token for real money away or make boes non existant. Bann bots and gold sellers. Have google take down the sites selling gold. Bann people for buying and selling gold. The list is so long at this point that there is no point of return. I just rather find another game than see my favorite unrecognisable.

  18. this was my first expansion. I enjoyed the leveling experience, Im not too happy with low level pvp as a new player i get people are used to it like it is but its absolutely horrible. the dungeon tool is very helpful and mostly had a good experience. but once i got to shadowlands i hated everything about it, i didnt get systems so i ignored them and never got proper gear till zereth mortis patch i came back and understood the game a bit better. but overall shadowlands content was not fun i hated every moment of torghast i hated leveling an alt past 50 untill better patch it felt like a mission just to try out a different class. bad. bad . bad


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