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WoW Shadowlands – How Im making Tons of Gold within less than 1 Hour Daily
Good day everyone, today I would like to show you how Im currently making tons of gold just by using TSM and logging into my various crafting toons for about 30-45min per day.
First of Enchanting and Alchemy Twink Yukitaro.
What Im doing is simple: I check TSM if the color is green, this means Im making profit if Im crafting this item instead of selling the raw materials.
Keep in mind: this only shows the CURRENT price of the raw material compared to the crafted Item price. So what Im doing is: i only buy the materials for crafted items when they are really cheap like 50-70% of market value.
Also be aware of the average daily sales, these are super important. Because its doesnt matter if you make 1000G per craft profit if the sale rate is 0.01 then you wont sell any of that anyway.
Another important setting is how you setup your TSM Auction Operation. I will show you how mine is looking. It works pretty well, because it helps you not to sell item under value and therefore way too cheap
In case your wondering how Im getting all those enchanting materials i will link you a video which explains it very well here: ►
Next up is my jewelcrafting character Nekrosis
On this character I always try to have 1 of each Itemlevel 235 legendary Ring and Necklace as well as 1 of each on Itemlevel 262 listed in the auction if the crafting price is above the material price. If its not I will just wait a couple days.
In addition to the legendary, I always craft Itemlevel 200 Rings and Necklaces of each category, mostly i have 3 up at a time.
But why not the Itemlevel 230 you might ask. Thats simpel: because 1 character can only equip 1 230 Itemlevel Item, but multiple Itemlevel 200, so you will sell more of those. In addition the price to craft 230 is alot higher than the 200 ones which means your profit margin will shrink.
Next Character is my Transmog Character Purry
On this Toon I simply relist all my Transmog Auctions and let them run for 48 Hours. Obviously since its Transmog you could easily relist an Item 50 or more times before it even sells.
Next Character is Leathercrafting and tailoring Character Keyaru,
which I mainly use for cape crafting and other legendary crafting.
Next Character is inscription and blacksmithing character Zaborg
which i mainly use for the missives for legendary crafting as well as the reskill book.
Last Character is Engineering Character Moebius.
This one I mainly use for the resurrection item.
Please like and subscribe to the channel so you wont miss future uploads. Bye Bye
I hope you liked the Video, please subscribe and I will see you next time.
►Important TSM Strings: Edit them to the way you want to set up your TSM
► check(first(crafting,dbmarket,dbregionmarketavg),max(0.65*avg(crafting,dbmarket,dbregionmarketavg),1.5*vendorsell))
► 0.1*Dbregionmarketavg
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