WoW Shadowlands – Leftover Moments

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Outro tune “Rise and Fight” composed by Piotr Wojtowicz aka ThePianoMan007 :


29 thoughts on “WoW Shadowlands – Leftover Moments”

  1. Lmaoo no idea what's going on!!! If you want anything high speed man you should look at Elder Scrolls online!! I can hook your whole crew up with gear. The pvp and PvE in that game is insane!

  2. No!! No offense but it may be a fun game to play for you its deff NOT fun to watch!! Like yea you talk a bit more wich is great but at the same time i have no idea what your doing i can barely see what is going on and no idea what is so funny! Id rather see ya play super mario then this! Why not tarkov?why not squad? Why not insurgency?why not arma? Why not any game other then this?? Im a huge fan but ive gotta down vote this!


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