WoW: Shadowlands – No Hard Feelings vs The Jailer (Mythic) – Unholy DK PoV

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Wow… what a journey and what a fight!

My adventure through The Shadowlands ends with a bang! I have always wanted to push hard and raid on a higher level in WoW and ever since Hall of Fame was introduced, my motivation only got higher. It feels so much better to me that my first HoF was achieved in probably the hardest raid tier in the last few years. On a personal level, I feel very fulfilled right now and I can and want to only go up from here.

Props to everyone in my guild that made this journey with me and for giving me a chance back in Sanctum!

Hope you enjoy my Unholy Death Knight PoV of this fight! ^_^
Few mistakes here and there, but overall, I am content enough with my performance, even though it could’ve been better, especially towards the end there.

Thanks for watching!
If you want to know what my UI consists of, here is a list of my main (most important and visible addons):
– ElvUI (if you want it, you can get it here​​)
– WeakAuras2 (I have lots here, a lot of them are imported from big streamers and customized around them a bit – for the class specific WeakAuras, search the man, the WA legend, Luxthos on Google)
– Details (dmg/heal meters – profile:​​)
– Plater Nameplates (customized nameplates or HP bars –​​)
– Nameplate Scrolling Combat Text (damage numbers on nameplates)
– Deadly Boss Mods (raid/dungeon alerts – profile:​​)
– Stats WeakAura:​​
TURUL – Vision of the Gods
Nikklas Johansson – One last mission


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