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WoW 2v2 Gameplay playing Hunter / Holy Priest from a Beast Mastery Hunter PoV. I played with a random from LFG. He was undergeared around 205 ilvl and we were off voice. We played around 2100-2300 MMR and it was a lot of fun.
About the Comp: BM / Hpri is mainly a setup comp so you will see me going in for stuns on the healer into a full trap whilst the healer will stun the DPS and then we will force trinkets and also mindgames on our goes. This allows us to gain pressure and due to BM’s damage at the moment we are able to sometimes gain so much pressure we can just land kills outside of our goes as well. If you have any questions about the comp just write in the comments and i will answer asap!
If there is any other content you guys would like then let me know in the comments and if you haven’t you can always subscribe since it helps me out a lot and then you can see whenever I post a video! Have a great day!
0:00 Intro
0:34 Game against Assa Hpri
1:47 Game against Assa Hpala
3:17 Game against BM Hpala
4:26 Game against Sub Hpri
6:02 Game against Demo lock Hpala
8:40 Game against DH Disc
10:30 Game against Destro Disc
11:53 Game against Feral Disc
13:44 Game against Ele Hpri
15:26 Game against Affli Rsham
Nice Video as always. I would love a video like this with a deeper break down. Stop the Video teach us what happen and why and then slow motion some situations.
You should do some survival gameplay
Your videos are great! Would like to hear your thoughts on the other covenants for hunters
Great video! Love it mixed up like this!
Question: what honor talents do you use? I see ur not using sting or the 50% pet ability’s reduction? It synergy with pet sac is disgusting.
Any thoughts?
what weak aura is tracking enemy buffs on the side of the bars?
Can you do a video in 3vs3?
An in depth BM arena guide would be great. I already watched your hunter update video, that's what brought me here. Great content man.
yeah show 1vs1 series vs all classes please
Can you up the quality of the videos?, content is very good
Another great video, you make it look so easy.
Quick question – do you know if Chimaeral sting DR's with anything? Just same as normal silence dr's?
Honestly I thought the priest changes and buffs to other classes were gonna feel bad but it's not as bad as I thought. I still have issues with Destro / healer for some reason that comp gives me issues. Also which comps do you start out using camo in? Only against rogues / ferals?
Can you do a game versus warrior sham
If going against dps, healer, do you always have dps as kt?
Just subscribed, Nice content. Do you think is hard to get 2100 in Arena? I main Hunter too and sometimes i blame myself too hard because i don't think i'm that good
You turning off your damage is very annoying to watch
hey billy can you replay fenzy Weakauras
Great video! I personally even prefer the videos where you were talking about the footage due to Copyright. You were much more focused on explaining and gave much more information.
hello friend, learning how to play on hunter, what is your macros on cobra and barbed shot? /petatack target /cast cobra shot ,and same macro for barbed shot? or you using pet atack keybind on main target after every stun on healer? ty
Any guide in preparation for strategies and what to do?
you didn't even show talent and pvp talent
Hello, can you make video (or answer in comment) how to deal with ww Monk and MW monk on Arena? I play BM/disco and we lose like 99% of games vs Monk
hey sir. how do you mark your target as your focus target? do you have a macro and click that every start of a game or do you hhave some kind of an auto macro (if there is such an thing). especially against invis targets (rdruid) its impossible to mark them right away
the amount of traps he missed and still is 2.1+ just shows how broken the spec is atm 😀