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Original Video by fronk
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
► 🎸 Outro song: CatDany – Get Enough
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I love how he can never disappoint us with his content
man SL was so bad 😭
RIP Shadowlands, you won't be missed.
Aye its rewind timeee…
HAHAHAH the kungen clips
Who else was hoping for Arthas to make an appearance and was absolutely disappointed, shit raid shit plot shit over grindy grinds..Shitlands basically
I will neve understand people rehashing trash expansions only 1-60 is good
Why rewind afterwards when I desperately wanted to fast forward during it?
Good flipping riddance, Dragonflight has such an easy act to follow if it's somehow worse I'll be absolutely impressed at Blizzard's ability to not capitalize on an easy win.
Who's ready for Shadowlands Classic
pained smile haha
1:50 someone have vid abou this ?
SL was the best expansion ever since SL
1% player base btw
Cringe as fuk screaming
How about Shadowlands fast forward? 8x speed.
Wake me up when it’s time to return to WoW’s best set of patch states: 5.0-5.4.8
Fronk is like Fronk. Doesn't give us content much, but when he does, it's amazing
6:14 would've been the fitting ending to that atrocious storyline. That would've redeemed so much for me if it has such a troll ending.
Lets hope it wont get worse guys! 😀
hello love your post new to u but see u many times made me come back to wow thx lol
Last I heard Pilav was laying low because of new taxation rules?
6:20 that made me laugh so hard, but Murloc wins 😀
What is this Shadowlands you guys are talking about? I thought it never happened, since in one cutscene everything reversed and the sky above Icecrown Citadel never broke. I mean the devs made that cutscene so even they want to dismis what was happening xD
I miss Pilav so god damned much.
No link to real video?
Heart me I dare you!!
That was FUN 😊
Asmongold is one of reasons WoW gets worse.
He keeps playing it, he keeps praising it, he keeps doing same shit over and over.
And it gets worse and worse. They fired everyone. They destroyed the game. And people still don't get it.
Madseasonshow did what every WoW creator should do. Refuse to play, refuse to talk. The real WoW is dead.
Asmon Rap would sell like Mom's Spaghetti
3:49 How tf did he grip 3 people?? Is it an aoe? Is it spammable? Can we have this in Wrath please?
Blizzard fucking hopes they could rewind back to 2020. They've been having a real grand time during shadowlands lol.
Shadowlands was the worst expansion in history.
I'm in the middle of shadow lands right now geez is it trash
Crusader3455 is beyond cringe… Like what was that?
murglock glock 3000
I’ll never see murlocs the same way from now on 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ruined childhood 😂😂😂😂😂 EMOTIONAL DAMAGE
Shadowlands is painful even with the catch-up features. Whenever it says you gotta go Maw I literally log out