34 thoughts on “WoW Sub Numbers LEAKED! What is the future of World of Warcraft?”
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Great video. I will say, SoD isn't the worst thing i've ever played, but its lazy. The runes are all later expansion spells, talent trees are the same, and simple redesigned dungeon level up raids. IT WILL GET OLD and people will get bored. We are already starting to see that now. We all know they see what turtle wow did, why Blizz wouldn't take a chapter out of their play book is beyond me. Blizz may have done some things right, but its 1 step forward 2 steps back. They don't learn. Sub numbers will reflect with a fall off because most subs are due to classic.
When a company can invest hundreds of millions in advertisments a game will never truely die. You can look at retail and D4 more like monetizing peoples addictions and nostalgia where the people who still have brains know it will only get worse and bail. Youcan run a franchise into the ground (activision) and sell it for billions to the next scumbag who will give big promises and milk the game all over again. Stop buying anything from the major companies.
There's nothing interesting about playing retail or seasons. There are plenty of new games and options and eventually people quit wow. If I invest my time playing wow its gonna be on a vanilla plus private server or tbc server otherwise …
Of course TBC and wrath didnt save it. Cause they did what they said they won't do. They introduced the lvl boost and ingame shop then in wotlk the Gold Token. Also it was around the same time when all the harassement cases went public.
Classic WoW saved the game – it's true. But it also fragmented the player base. 7 million subs in 2024? Sure, but they are split among so many different versions of WoW that none of them feel complete. I think we need a return to a single WoW product that is good or bad, but at least everyone is together again.
Do I need to tell you guys that Classic WoW and SoD don't feel like they are returning to the philosophy of the original game? You know this. Everyone knows this. I think after MoP, Blizzard should call it a day, turn the servers off, and let the Private Server era return. That's my wish, but it's very unlikely to happen
I think Alex is calling it right that they are going to market WoW Classic as a Seasonal progression game that resets yearly or biyearly just like any other live service game available today. Which is a tragedy because that era of WoW was never intended to be a Seasonal game.
The problem was tbc classic tbh. Tbc is way more niche appeal than vamilla and wrath, as can be seen reflected in their relative popularity in the private server scene. A lot of people who came back for vanilla and would have enjoyed wrath quit during tbc and never came back. Shadowlands being the worst exp ever also didnt help retaining those players who might have swapped back and forth between classic and retail if retail wasnt absolute dog. Wrath classic if done right should have been as popular as vanilla but they fed it up as they always do. Cata will be even smaller and niche like tbc following pserver pop trends.
could you imagine if 20% of the playerbase were actually bots lol. there would be T H O U S A N D S of stockades bots on SoD, as it is right now you might see 20-40 any time you look
Dragonflight was actually somewhat of an improvement quality-wise for retail (closer to legion level) but its no surprise it was the worst launch in history. All of the promo material for it was incredibly weak with a lame cinematic to boot, it got some players from good word of mouth but probably not many off the merits of its announced features.
Also really struggle to see the appeal of SOD. Levelling in vanilla is time consuming so its gonna need to be something worth my time, a few new abilities plucked from other expansions and half baked PVP events sure aint it. Blizzard has a bad habit of jumping on trends far too late. MOBAs blow up? Heroes of the storm years later. Battle royale blows up? Plunderstorm years later. I think they will realise this far too late with Vanilla+ and try to jump on it far after everyone has lost interest in vanilla. (I dont count SOD as classic+)
Those sub numbers are 100% BS imo. Multiple add-on devs who tracked player numbers via player scanning have claimed the numbers to be under half a million now. I believe them over Blizzard who has EVERY reason to lie.
The best thing they can do is what Jagex does with Runescape. Make seperate games, a classic+ like OSRS new content and retail like RS3 just keep it ticking over and cater content to what the modern audience wants. The whales buying all the store mounts will keep them making money and everyone then gets what they want.
Can't see it happening though with Blizzard even though its something they could easily do. Can't help but think everyone wanting to go to TBC instead of something new has put an end to this ever being a thing.
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Oh Shit here we go again 😀
Retail has been dead since WoD
And a new Alex arc begins.
Level headed, informative video. Keep it up Alex!
Great video. I will say, SoD isn't the worst thing i've ever played, but its lazy. The runes are all later expansion spells, talent trees are the same, and simple redesigned dungeon level up raids. IT WILL GET OLD and people will get bored. We are already starting to see that now. We all know they see what turtle wow did, why Blizz wouldn't take a chapter out of their play book is beyond me. Blizz may have done some things right, but its 1 step forward 2 steps back. They don't learn. Sub numbers will reflect with a fall off because most subs are due to classic.
Its a new age
TBH i was very surprised that they announced cataclysm. NO ONE wants to play that shit.
When a company can invest hundreds of millions in advertisments a game will never truely die. You can look at retail and D4 more like monetizing peoples addictions and nostalgia where the people who still have brains know it will only get worse and bail. Youcan run a franchise into the ground (activision) and sell it for billions to the next scumbag who will give big promises and milk the game all over again. Stop buying anything from the major companies.
Alex catching the wave 🏄♂️
There's nothing interesting about playing retail or seasons. There are plenty of new games and options and eventually people quit wow. If I invest my time playing wow its gonna be on a vanilla plus private server or tbc server otherwise …
Levelling and Highmaul was giga fun in WoD
Alex was right all along
New Alexensual Expansion is out!
Bots are minimum 20% at how blatantly apparent they are.
Of course TBC and wrath didnt save it. Cause they did what they said they won't do.
They introduced the lvl boost and ingame shop then in wotlk the Gold Token.
Also it was around the same time when all the harassement cases went public.
50% odds theyre lying about sub numbers anyway.
Classic WoW saved the game – it's true. But it also fragmented the player base. 7 million subs in 2024? Sure, but they are split among so many different versions of WoW that none of them feel complete. I think we need a return to a single WoW product that is good or bad, but at least everyone is together again.
Do I need to tell you guys that Classic WoW and SoD don't feel like they are returning to the philosophy of the original game? You know this. Everyone knows this. I think after MoP, Blizzard should call it a day, turn the servers off, and let the Private Server era return. That's my wish, but it's very unlikely to happen
I think Alex is calling it right that they are going to market WoW Classic as a Seasonal progression game that resets yearly or biyearly just like any other live service game available today. Which is a tragedy because that era of WoW was never intended to be a Seasonal game.
The problem was tbc classic tbh. Tbc is way more niche appeal than vamilla and wrath, as can be seen reflected in their relative popularity in the private server scene. A lot of people who came back for vanilla and would have enjoyed wrath quit during tbc and never came back.
Shadowlands being the worst exp ever also didnt help retaining those players who might have swapped back and forth between classic and retail if retail wasnt absolute dog.
Wrath classic if done right should have been as popular as vanilla but they fed it up as they always do. Cata will be even smaller and niche like tbc following pserver pop trends.
I bet they count everyone youtube comment on a WoW related video as a sub 😀
could you imagine if 20% of the playerbase were actually bots lol. there would be T H O U S A N D S of stockades bots on SoD, as it is right now you might see 20-40 any time you look
It's important to remember that 80% of all subs are classic WoW bots.
I hate when I accidentally leak having millions of more customers than even the highest estimates ever got close to.
If the sub number was this high they'd just publish it instead of making people speculate
Dragonflight was actually somewhat of an improvement quality-wise for retail (closer to legion level) but its no surprise it was the worst launch in history. All of the promo material for it was incredibly weak with a lame cinematic to boot, it got some players from good word of mouth but probably not many off the merits of its announced features.
Also really struggle to see the appeal of SOD. Levelling in vanilla is time consuming so its gonna need to be something worth my time, a few new abilities plucked from other expansions and half baked PVP events sure aint it. Blizzard has a bad habit of jumping on trends far too late. MOBAs blow up? Heroes of the storm years later. Battle royale blows up? Plunderstorm years later. I think they will realise this far too late with Vanilla+ and try to jump on it far after everyone has lost interest in vanilla. (I dont count SOD as classic+)
The goat a new age of Alex LFG
we all wanted a fresh classic, thats it
Those sub numbers are 100% BS imo. Multiple add-on devs who tracked player numbers via player scanning have claimed the numbers to be under half a million now. I believe them over Blizzard who has EVERY reason to lie.
I doubt the credibility of the presented statistics; there is a clear trend of undermining or "equalizing" classic with retail peaks.
Stop disappearing :~)
It's still unbelievable to me that at least 5 MILION players (minus bots and whatnot) subscribe to Blizzard servers, this baffles me.
The best thing they can do is what Jagex does with Runescape. Make seperate games, a classic+ like OSRS new content and retail like RS3 just keep it ticking over and cater content to what the modern audience wants. The whales buying all the store mounts will keep them making money and everyone then gets what they want.
Can't see it happening though with Blizzard even though its something they could easily do. Can't help but think everyone wanting to go to TBC instead of something new has put an end to this ever being a thing.
Hard to believe the subs are at 7+ million.