WoW The War Within? World of Warcraft expansion #wow #thewarwithin #worldofwarcraft

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15 thoughts on “WoW The War Within? World of Warcraft expansion #wow #thewarwithin #worldofwarcraft”

  1. I'm Junk, I mained Paladins and Warriors. My last play was doing dailies in Northrend and my last raid was Uldaman.

    Recently my brother was telling me how wow classic has been adding runes that made sense and played to each classes individuality, but still opened up fun new play styles. It would have been bad if I hadn't had a D&D meeting soon.

  2. Iv managed to stay away for two exp now i think iv finaly kicked the habit then when moving to are new house i find a fresh time card i bought and never yoused. So very hard not to go back but then again iv a 3year old no time for it


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