WoW World Buffs #worldofwarcraft #worldofwarcraftclassic #shorts

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World of Warcraft Classic World Buffs guide. How to get Spirit of Zandalar, Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer, Dire Maul buffs, Songflower, Darkmoon Fair buffs, Warchief’s Blessing and more. #gaming #shorts #wowhc #wowclassic


10 thoughts on “WoW World Buffs #worldofwarcraft #worldofwarcraftclassic #shorts”

  1. sod chrono boom set to 5 minutes, stormwind rend buff, and now being able to redo buffs from quests (ony head, rend) once a month is massive improvement. but I'm also glad they got rid of this shit in BC

  2. If you are good at logistics and you have the willing man power of the guild you would have multiple level 20 baby locks at every buff location with multiple clickers to summon your guild. Could get all the buffs done in 10-15 mins. We did that when classic came out. Had other guilds hitting us up on buff nights was a good time to see it all come together.


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