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Normally, 2025 would be an ‘off year’. One that would begin a new content drought. This time, however, Blizzard’s plan is more aggressive, and 2025 is shaping up to be non-stop.
00:00 Blizzard’s New Dev Cycle
00:52 The Immediate Future
03:32 Undermined, Nightfall, 11.1.7
07:04 TWW’s Final Major Patch
08:17 The Midnight Reveal
10:45 The End of TWW
14:41 Season 4 Died For These
Pretty confident the artifact weapons will act as the cloak from Mists remix.
You are mentioning Gamescom and Game Awards forgetting they are owned by XBOX and they have a few directs per year.
Id love to see a new profession…. Lumberjack and carpenter. They chop trees down, various types of wood across wow universe, then build furniture and other house hold items. Though engineer can capitalize on this. Professions are weak, can't profit at all, there more profit to farm the mats and sell then it is to craft
sometimes this channel is just b****ing and moaning.
Sucks seeing everything “good” come out during summer. I’m not wasting another summer inside. Did it last year with remix. No thanks lol
there was never a lack of content, the issue is the content feeling meaningless and this road map does that even more
Color me shocked, DH and Rogues being ignored 😮
is nightfall the hour of twilight that deathwing was speaking of? or is twilight specific to morning?
why does everyone think the Void will invade? imho the arathi will use the sunwell to get to us. Renilash will probably be at the end of midnight/start of Last titan because its the fall of Gods.
Whos DJ?
I am so tired of people thinking TWW is bad. The best way to deflate those arguments is to hit them with the old "as compared to what" and it crumbles like sandcastles at high tide.
Seriously , if currency tuning, an "extra"remake raid nobody even asked for being slightly overtuned, and circe's circlet being a side grade to mythic raider or equivalent level players are the worst of WoW's problems, then I'd say it's certainly kicking the crap out of it's competition and its own previous expansion releases.
Anyone who says otherwise should take a break from the game and see what the rest of the garbage MMO market has these days, or just play classic tbfh.
Plunderstorm sucks and player housing is stupid.
Dont get sucked in. Its another re skinned shit show of constant blizzard mistakes.
Not trying to be a downer, but I hated horrific visions. I just have no interest in the M+ affix style of gameplay that they offered.
I don't know if Blizz plans on doing anything different with them this time, though probably not, as I seem to be in the minority on this one. So I'll likely end up skipping that bit of content as much as possible.
Thanks for the updates
Very excited for wow's future
Haven't played in awhile & I'm behind 😂 but this year looks promising. Can't wait!
Plunderstorm was fun, you just have to adjust to how to play it. If you dont want to PvP, you can farm, die, reque. I enjoyed it.
Agree — I think DRIVE is going to be the basis for a ground mount rework, like dragon flying becoming available in all continents with old mounts, completely changing how we get around. No-flying areas aren't currently popular because ground mounts feel so slow and clunky and boring to use. I think this is a testing ground for reworking how we interact with ground mounts.
I’m putting alot of hope into player housing. I reallly really hope they do it right. If they get it even close to eso’s player housing I’ll be satisfied and it will give me so much more stuff to do while I q pvp.
I mean eh. What people felt in DF is more present now. My guild didn't stop until the final raid of DF was done, but they're all gone now. TBH TWW is worse for this
i'm kind of nuts but i still do horrific visions to this day lmao; so I'm particularly excited for this.
I had hope for new stuff for dk😢
So what I’m hearing is for a player like me we are entering a major content drought and I should take a break until November. Cooooool
You don't think they would hold back player housing for new xpack to bring more players back into the game? When are they going to release some new runs? And I would hope they would update vendors throught out the world to sell current items? I don't see way they wouldn't do this. I still think professions are broken I also think the armor items sold with certain currency is always out of date meaning the only reason to buy it is for the mog. We need to ask them to stop using so many currency and why is it hard to get all the professions recipe. just isn't alt friendly at all
The general vibe among enhance shamans is "no" what do you mean?
I'll be patiently waiting for your disappointment videos when this doesn't age well…and you know it won't age well. It's Activision.
Imagine being able to choose class themes for the player housing feature, sort of lile class halls but for our house. I would love the element theme for my shammy. Or a demonic castle for the warlocks. The possibilities are endless
I am done with Blizzards recycled content. This game is cooked never coming back to it. Blizzard had one chance to make it right and failed. 20 years for crap.
I wouldnt play any other class if shaman tank came out!
Can't wait for player housing. Also hoping that your warbands characters will be useable in follower dungeons. I'm also really hoping Blizz will increase the amount Trading Post currency you can get in a month.