WoW's 20th Anniversary

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Asmongold Reacts to: 20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview | WoWCast
by @Warcraft
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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42 thoughts on “WoW's 20th Anniversary”

  1. Lemme think, should I live my life or should I play the same content for the million time and be the best paladin on server again? I am ok living my life and getting some new experience… F you WOW

  2. Hey, i got my disagrees with Asmongold, but i REALLY like the idea of retaken Lordaeron back
    I'm would be less pissed about the burn of Teldrassil if this happened
    I love the idea of Sylvannas dying because i hate her, but i think that the battle for Lordaeron should be the last part of the war in this case, to make a great ending to the expansion
    Why we lose saurfang and Syllvannas still live? ,_,

  3. I played WoW since BC, but I got burned out and stopped after Dragonflight. It just doesn't feel like the WoW I fell in love with. And for a 20th anniversary, this is really lame. Some regurgitated dungeons and a few mount/armor reskins?? Lol, please. Its kinda sad what WoW has become after all the good memories I had.

  4. How to Fix WoW:

    1. Complete Reset – World of Warcraft needs a full reset, starting with the character creation system. No more locked races. If a player wants to create a human from Stormwind, Kul Tiras, or even Lordaeron, they should be able to.
    2. Body Type Customization – Players should have the ability to change body types. Locking body types to specific races is outdated. The same goes for dwarves—there are so many variations now that it would make sense to have one dwarf race with all the new dwarf types as customization options.
    3. Horde and Alliance Factions – It’s time to move beyond the Horde vs. Alliance dynamic. Players should be able to create a character and decide later if they want to align with a faction or go rogue and carve out their own story. This would add depth to role-playing and gameplay options.
    4. Story Development – For the storyline, Jaina could enter the void and shock everyone by revealing she has secretly been raising a child born from Arthas, with plans to rebuild Lordaeron. The Scarlet Crusade could even make a comeback to tie into classic WoW memories.

  5. I was thinking of trying out wow again for the event but a minor content patch that was prob in the pipe regardless with mostly reused assets and dungeons with a few armor model retools. With a minor event with a few mini games for the 20th anniversary? Rather underwhelming is it not? Id expect an actual new raid, a cool pet and mount, a big lore twist or a big o'l statue commemorating the heroes that have come and gone. This, this was meh at best.

  6. Friend of mine was farming for Rivendare's mount for almost every day for like 3 months. I went in to Strat just to get the dumb flute that makes everyone dance because I'm that guy that gets the shit that annoys everyone, and I was like "Fuck it, i'm here might as well try for the mount." Naturally it dropped. My friend just stopped farming from then on


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