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In this video we’ll go over the biggest and smallest hunter pets in the game and cover topics like their appearance, viability, spawn locations and more! Welcome and good hunting!
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Unique and EASY Hunter Pets:
Ferocity: The BEST Pet Family:
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Intro song: Sappheiros – Celestial
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Pet Spec/Family Cross-Reference Table:
N.U.T.Z. Guide:
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I just tamed Bufo but its not small at all. Probably it got hotfixed? Anywho, great vid:)
Don't forget the crazy mechanical rocket lazer chicken on Mechagon! He's very small and quite hard to tame as he runs super fast all over the place, so bring a friend who can stun or freeze him. There's nothing small about his AOE though! I play with 2 of them, Riggs and Murtaugh. (OOX-Fleetfoot/MG appears on days when Oglethorpe Obnoticus is a visitor in Rustbolt. See "gold-orange rocket chicken" on petopia.)
Marsh Gulper is super awesome! I wonder what happens if you got the reduce pet size glyph? After work, I will give that a shot and give an update!
Update: That's no dice on the glyph. You can put it on them, but it doesn't reduce them any further, but still… so tiny. I got two of them and running into PVP, hide in some bushes, and release the frogs! I'll get my ass handed to me, but it will be entertaining all the same!
@xBLUMONKEY definitely nothing hotfixed. But you didn't mention also getting Glyph of Lesser Proportion. Makes the frog even smaller. Also, make the name short as possible to help reduce the nameplate as much as possible. Mine is named ii.
Like you I am pretty sure I got a brown monkey in STV as i was waiting for the Tsul'Kalu rare.
Probably the smallest pet at the moment is the Pit Snake in Vol'dun, smaller than all the other snakes.
Gotta ask, how hard is it to tame Oondasta on a higher population server like Thrall? I have never seen people not camping him for mount drops. Thanks in advance if you answer!
Have you tamed a hellhound? Those things are pretty beefy.
Did only hunters can get those pets?
No matter what pet i capture i still play with my Yaks
I went and got the Marsh Grouper Today 2/27/2021 and its still tiny as ever…
Yooo whats the track id for 3:24 that background music is too fire, great vid too i enjoy ur vids!
question? on the pet in the raid/dungeon how does someone get that one by himself? since the boss keeps throwing out traps and you cant move ty.
Yah you are gonna camp for 4 hrs on the first one all these othere high lvls just stop buy to kill him omg.its stupid..
you can tame the python hatchlings in the same area as the marsh gulper and they're also very small, i think it actually shrunk.
can not believe Hippos did not make the list=) Mine are so big woot !
I had to camp out and compete with like 3-6 people each spawn for Oondasta, plus I wanted two just for the BM variant to have two out for no reason at all other than I wanna walk around with some boss ass dinosaurs XD
not a single small ferocity one?
Awesome vid, I’m my opinion, devilsaur is an E tier cuz of the models it offers and it’s a ferocity, if clefthoofs had more models, i would use them, I get real bored with them so I don’t use a clefthoof at all, Aqiris are prolly the best cunning pets, and they’re good for scouting a farther distance with eyes of the beast, and the Go to pets for PvP on my main is my tiny toad from Tanaan, and my woolly kodo pet due to the size difference, gotta make people attack my AC to keep my pet alive
i think there was a glyph or something that reduced the size of your pet. Can you use that on your toad? 😀
I think a bigger pet than any listed is the phantasmal mammoth npc id 27642
i tamed a Faultline to level with. Thanks for the advice!
bind your spells man even Tame xDD
13:50 Omgg its so cutee uutyutyutyuu uzyuguzyuuu :3 :3 :3
Had two Kodo's as a Tauren, ppl hated me in dungeons.
Big pets are obviously better! Anything you tame should remain its actual size! That would be amazingly awesome! (or in the case of massive shit just makes it like half the size)
I went and ran Blackrock foundry for the Rhino pet and figured i run to the end and kill the final boss for the chance at a mount, Long story short I got the mount super excited. thanks for the video, and for the pet mount combo!
What about the mammoths that you can tame?
I did enjoy what I saw. I'm gonna go tame Faultline, and then that tiny frog. I will call it Touch Me, after a weird enemy from FF7.
Just tried taming the furry brown Kodo in Desolace, they must have changed the size because its not nearly as big as it is in this video.
why do you look like a crackhead
great vids 🙂
The Gnome hunter starting pet, mechanical rabbit is also extra small.
You can tame a seagull at these drunken pirates sidequest island northwest of kul tiras
I'm a sucker for mortal wounds, I usually use the devilsaurs or carrion birds which are also annoying lol