WoW's Forgotten Map Error… Can It Be Fixed? | World of Warcraft

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Happy Friday, everyone! Today, we travel to the windswept wastes of Desolace to examine a peculiar landmark… or rather the absence of one! What happened to the missing archway of this zone? And has anybody else noticed this after 20 years??

Video Footage:
– Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft (2004-)

Background Music:
– “Barrens” from the WoW OST

#wowclassic #worldofwarcraft #seasonofdiscovery

Outro Music:
– “Watch Me (Live)” by Greta Van Fleet

Jediwarlock 2024


20 thoughts on “WoW's Forgotten Map Error… Can It Be Fixed? | World of Warcraft”

  1. The typical blizzard response is to do nothing. If they were going to do something, it would already be too late because desolace will be an irrelevant zone once P3 hits. To add something here would require blizzard to be more in touch with the game than the community is, and notice these tiny details that only someone would notice when trying to find subject matter for content creation.

  2. Wow, I've played on and off since 2004 and I've actually never thought about it being nothing there.
    How intresting!
    Making some sort of spectral portal/ruin there would be a nice fix.

  3. its driven me crazy that places such as alterac valley and warsong gulch aren't like… anywhere on any map. I understand why they aren't, but it bugs me a little bit to not be able to see geographically where they are in the zones they're supposed to be in. A portal to the zone to aint enough for my loremonkeybrain.

  4. There is another missing zone as well!
    there is a dwarven farmstead in the mountains of Wetlands just beyond the dwarven runway. there is a mountain gate within the little farm community which drops to absolutely nothing

  5. I think it's just an indicator for a "safe" path to the goblin hut from the road. It's been on the map since 0.10.0, when they revamp'd the zone and added the map icons. Really cool none-the-less!

  6. I enjoy your movies, but still you have not presented any new stuff (for me). As an adventurer the maps was created long before my journey begun. Why are you shit-talking about blizzard? Just to follow the stream? This was your worst video, sorry.

  7. I never knew about this portal! I have to admit that Desolace was no place I visited while first playing the game…. I started with TBC and wanted to join my mum in Outland so much that I hurried through levelling as fast as I could! 😊
    Thank you for showing me this place! ❤
    P.S. I still am no big fan of Desolace, it looks a bit…. depressing 😅


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