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The wait is over. The Lich King returns. Challenge his malevolent reign on September 26, 2022, in Wrath of the Lich King® Classic™. Learn more at #WrathClassic #Warcraft
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They are cannibalizing themselves by releasing the games too quickly.
Are they going to do the plague event prior to release??? (PLEASE SAY YES!)
I'm ready to relive and enjoy WoW best expansion ever!
Long live the King.
This is NOT "Wrath of the Lich King Classic" … In fact it is "Wrath of the Lich King Retail Rev. 2". They have Removed Features/Content and changed critial gameplay. They still have not learned thier lession from Retail mistakes.
Who care ?
Everything about the original trailer is perfect. The hype, the legend, the legacy. Its the culmination of the franchise across the RTS and MMO genres. Spectacular!
fire boby kotic
An Karanir Thanagor
Subscription is became more expensive now!!! AND YOU DONT TALK ABOUT THAT!!!!
bonus xp? wat
The glory days <3
WOTLK launch was the peak of WoW
174000 wievs hahahahahahhaha
The fact that they bring back the same content again only shows that since Lich King, they game design went south.
This is our last stand
Long live the king
Oh wow everyone wants to play recycled content!
finally XD
Man you know they did an amazing job on the amination when it looks great 14 years later
now that it's announced, why wait 2 months 🙁
come on with the fresh servers for prepatch leggoooo
Blizzard is the most corrupt organization, the previous squad would never ban Russian players who are not to blame for anything.They don't participate in the war. Blizzard does what the American government tells them to do…. Disgusting! You killed the community
May he reign forever
More wotlk, less fluffy dragons go vrrrrrrrrtt
gotta love the woke ideology creeping into classic. first we had store mounts and boosting, now this body type garbage.
When are the fresh servers coming?
When’s classic shadowlands due ?
This feels less cool now than blizzard assassinated Arthas in Shadowlands 🙁
Best present for my birthday Sept 26🎀
"50%bonus XP NOW"
Um what?
Allen j. Breack: You think you do but… Oh wait you are seriosly and still do? 😱
So when is the song tribute coming out??
what is this atrocious music?
We Need XMOG !!! PLIZ
Wotlk, the golden times of wow
12 years of playing x2 Invincible Reins 🙃
no heroic gear….. tries to join lvl 70 raid….. raid leader…. heh yeah right…..
WOW sem Arthas é só um monte de merda!!!1
По сравнению с оригинальным синематиком выглядит халтурно конечно.
Playable servers when ?
They really butchered this trailer.
but it was zovaal the jailer of maw and torghast and former arbiter and member of the pantheon of death who was responsible for corrupting manipulating and turn arthas evil through frostmourne helm of domination and domination magic all along.