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Today we’re going over what I’ve spent every day, all day, for the past week building and tweaking….my Shadowlands Legendary Crafting Spreadsheet. It’s pretty slick. You import your server’s information from the Legendary Stock Tracker (LST) addon, and then you say what recipes you know, and how you like to farm materials. And then that’s it. It tells you whick Shadowlands Legendaries are worth crafting, and which you should avoid, and it details where you should farm each mat. The youtube guides linked are placeholders so stay tuned/subscribe so you see those when I fiiiiinally release those.
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Love it!, thanks for the helpful spreadsheet!
WTBspreadsheets are the best!
I love your spreadsheets, and I don't even know how to use them.
That's an absurd amount of time and gold to spend to be able to craft rank 4 legos…
Took a little look into this on my Thursday Stream. Overall it is very helpful! Possible extras could be to restock quantity by rank. As I only stock 1 at ranks 1-3 but 2 at rank 4. Additionally the option to restock all, regardless of profit would also be a bonus to some who kinda take the "Walmart" approach then focus on only selling when profitable.
Overall, nicely done!
It looks like we're going to have to specialize in crafting no more of this well I can craft everything you can't anymore
Woah! It is looking awesome 😀 Well done!
I am kinda wondering what do you do with all that gold that you farm? by now you should have multiple times gold cap.
or are you using that gold to fund projects like this that sometimes may or may not be profitable?
Cool and crazy at the same time.
i dont craft armor, im just watching for the happy presentation style :T
Great spreadsheet =) Idk why but it doesnt work for me in the restock & materials list. It says that i should craft Tailoring Cape R1 to R4 and i set to minimum profit to 5000g. R1 isnt even worth 1000g in my AH.
Ingame LST is set to 5000g profit and my cape R1 to R4 have operations in TSM