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Music by Berserkyd
Music by Epidemic Sound
#Bajheera #Gaming #WorldofWarcraft
Editor: Quaylin (
Esta pro el mago ese les costo matarlo
seems a little broken
WTF…evokers can control Deep Breath mid-flight now ?
And people complain about hunter mega dps while having all that mobility hahaha
Lore accurate mage
Ok, now I see why the health regen is so high. Geez
yes this pvp is joke
As a classic andy… this just looks so fked up.
I think mage damage just a tad bit more ridiculous than the buff to second wind, imo
Warriors need more gap closers come on blizzard he almost died to a mage!!
This gameplay for mage just make more izi for autobots/hacks/scripters.
That mage is next level though, let's be fair. A mediocre mage would've died a while ago 😂
All I saw was a warrior winning a pvp match
cvark goated
also warrior casually tanking 2 dps without a healer ..
cvarks is just the best arcane mage lol
Yea wasn't gonna buy Warwithin after watching this confirmed it's a good decision. I'll keep playing Classic.
ngl, nothing has changed to me, the game still looks so-so, to say the least, like what is even happening on the screen
The only thing this video tells me is that PvP is shittier than it was in DF, and I am glad I quit this game and joined a private server. See ya, Blizz shitters.
in TWW we will get bladestorm has a fury warrior?
@Bajheera Babe it was fun playing with you ggs
DaMage as usual
cosmetic hamstring
uses 13 dashes to catch up to the mage without any effort while mindlessly hitting dps rotation
"God arcane mages…. So much mobility right? Heaven forbid a class be able to be not in melee range of me for more than 2 seconds"
you should be playing rogue with all the running away you do