Xal'atath Has Been Found, And The Implications Are Massive

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A Light crystal has fallen from the sky and embedded itself into Azeroth. Adventurers are drawn by the promise of power, but a darker figure has taken an interest. Xal’atath. Once Blade of the Black Empire; now on the forefront of Void’s next gambit to take our world. But I’m not talking about the Light Crystal in Hallowfall. Nothing about the War Within, our next expansion. No! I’m talking about the Hillsbrad foothills, because Xal’atath has shown up in Season of Discovery.

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47 thoughts on “Xal'atath Has Been Found, And The Implications Are Massive”

  1. so the idea of Xal atath being a fifth old god does seem plausible only untill you realize they have stated in game that xal atath is actually not an old god but something much older. my theory is that xal atath is actually linked to the void where as the old gods are just corrupted forms of nature created by azeroth as a means to defend herself from the other cosmic forces only the black empire falls to the cosmic force of order and due to how the titans think they saw the old gods as corruption and locked them away as even odin states that nothing can be created unless its been ordered

  2. based on the story aspects of SoD that have changed from the classic version, I think they are setting things up as SoD is actually an alternative timeline. Meanwhile they are testing future features for retail on a live environment beta group. I would not doubt if things from SoD become core features in midnight. (including storylines layed out in SoD)

  3. If Paladins get howling blast and are enabled to become DKs, I think that would be rad. but; we're walking lines of turtle wow. Give me priest monks, rogue DHs, tauren paladins and dwarf shamans if we're going to begin that direction. >>>Enabling a dwarf hunter to tame the elements and become a shaman/ enabling a tauren warrior to follow the sun and become a pally, potentially.

  4. i guess if your talking about the 3rd war Death knights most were previously paladins, but the original 2nd war Deathknights we orcish souls that were placed inside fallen human corpse by orc warlocks. i think it would be cool to see something like those as an undead class for warlocks.

  5. I hope during Midnight they expand or at least sort out the Naaru.
    They're pure light, the purest example of the Light side of the cosmic chart. Yet they can fall into void. A Dark Naaru & then after that become a "Void God".
    Xal refers to them as brethren what's that all about? Is she really just that different in the way she sees things? Or is there more to it?

  6. Its an interesting thing. It shows how the void is able to travel through time. Able to manipulate things in their way. BUt they also do it in a way that it wont change the future WAYYY to much. At least not in Drastic ways. THis is also why in War Within. The area we are going to. Has nerubians. But Nerubians are suposed to be in the NORTHREND area. Not in the south, … between the Qiraji and the Mantids. So unless Xalathat went back in time. To before the sundering, telling them to travel all the way to the area that we are going to in War within.. or maybe even after the sundering. Hell. This could even be why the Arathi are traveling to Harrowfall or whatever its called. Because Xalathat told them about it. THe big question with them will be, the Holy Fire thing. But the thing still stands. Xalathat was able to to travel back in time. But its not surprising considering what we see in the end of the Dawn of the infinites dungeon. It wasnt the infinites that opened the portal.. It was the Void. Maybe even Xalathat. So we dont know if that portal was opened, So Iridikron could go to the future. Or in the same time, same year. But in another place. Meaning. Xalathat was on Azeroth 10k or even 15k years ago. Walking the world. Making minor changes that wouldnt impact the world in major ways. Like a small group of nerubians traveling south to where War Within is going to be happening. Which wouldnt change the outcome of the War of the Spider in Northrend. Since they would still fall to the Lich King. The Arathi Traveling to the same place. Not really impacting the forming of the 7 kingdoms. And also this, with the season of Discovery. Just Xalathat teasing what POWER she can give people. As a potential hint of.. THese classes can be playable in the future. Like you mentioned with PAladins geting death knight abilities. IN a time when there were no death knights in that time of the game.

  7. MAYBE SoD is a total retcon/rewrite of the WoW storyline. Everyone knows how inconsistant and full of plot holes the Classic WoW to Dragonflight storyline has been. I want them to still redo the old world with modern graphics though.

  8. the arathi we will meet in hallowfall do indeed originate from the pre-splintered arathi kingdom, but these arathi are also from across the sea, where a group of them went to create a new kingdom. the arathi we will meet left to cross back over the sea in search of the crystal(via anne stickney in an interview with wowhead). this new batch of arathi sounds really intriguing, to be honest. anyway, i enjoy these bits of lore crossover. for anyone playing sod, it's like a wink and a nudge if they happen to play retail as well.

  9. What if it's Azshara? We don't know where she is (and she left through a void portal) , also she was a high born elf before she became naga which also fit the model, she is the most powerful mage on azeroth so that would explain the lvl 63 elite. What do you think could it be possible?

  10. I just wish they could actually put all the lore we "need" in retail so every player can learn of these things without reading every book, or playing every other blizzard wow related game there is.The one thing that really annoys the shit out of me is the fact that there is so much lore found outside of the game, things that are really important to understand the connected history of azeroth.

  11. I doubt its anything of important, but I just happen to realize Xalataths' eyes really resemble Elune's Eclipsed moon. Just a weird resemblance but I don't think they could be connected in any way right?

  12. What the hell have I missed. Like I catch a bit of news here and there from the channel but what the what I am so lost and it's weird because like I don't play the game anymore not sure if I ever want to play the game again but like I love the older lore and I just kind of what's going on now and now it's like new raids for classic


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