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Azeroth delivers a sexy baseline standard for exceptional audio quality
Check out our full written review now:
I ordered my Yeti WW Edition 2 weeks ago said it was in stock, still waiting for it to ship.
What effect was done at 6:45? Anyone know? Would love to do it to my friends on Phas! 😀 loved it
I am gonna buy this.. can you give me a purchase link… Would be great if that's a discounted price.. I am living in Sydney NSW. I want it urgently…
Do I need to get the boomarm with it?
Does anyone know how to play the samples through discord?
how do u play sound samplers through discord
I got this mic!! Thanks for this review!!! How can you listen to the mic effects live while you are speaking with a MacBook Pro? do I need output speakers?
How did your daughter feel when Jaina was the bad guy and you killed her?
So we get that software for free??
You deserve so much more subs man… You just gained a new one <3
I just ordered my Yeti X WOW edition, thank you for the amazing review and helpful info, KEEP IT UP! 😀
how did you managed to play samples on discord? Can't seem to find how to do it!
I managed to score one of these for $150 AUD from Amazon. I cannot wait to get it, as it looks amazing. Thanks for a very simple & factual review.
Very nice review.
I don't play WOW at all. I wanted the yeti X for podcasts, but this one was on sale for 100. They're the same mics right? This one just comes with extra voices?
Hello, I know this is a long shot, but I'm wondering what microphone stand you are using, I'm planning to buy a blue yeti x and maybe a mic stand as well
I’ve never bought a microphone itself and I want to use this on a gaming desktop AND laptop.. Will it work well on a laptop? Also what would I search up online if I wanted a different stand for it that doesn’t touch the desk in front of me? I want to get a stand so it doesn’t pick up keyboard and mouse clicking sounds.. unless there’s a setting for it????
Is there a British voice option
Hey WellPlayed, I've had the mic since last august and I cant get the samples to play over discord, but I can still hear them….any ideas?? thanks in advance!
Please make a toturial on how u managed to make discord pick up the sound samples from the Ghub software. Many people (including myself) are having frustrating issues with discord not picking up any of the wow sound effects from the Ghub software.
1:33 Holy hell that bit was funny XD
Pro Knob…Got it. Exe
great review would you know can you get the orc voices without needing the wow version?