I timed it on a +6 as a bdk 615 ilvl. I didn’t die once. Everyone else died 22 times. I was soloing most of the content. Timed it with 4 mins left. I couldn’t imagine 7+ and above with the time punishment you get from deaths.
had a +8 dawnbreaker as a 611 prot warrior, everything was fine until the 2nd mini boss. we wiped twice to her and then the rest of the instance was a piece of cake. really odd
That particular instance is traumatic.😂
The drops are dog water, for the amount of BS.
*screeches in Coaglamation*
First portal I got was an 11 DB and it was very easy.
Its one of the easiest 😅
I timed it on a +6 as a bdk 615 ilvl. I didn’t die once. Everyone else died 22 times. I was soloing most of the content. Timed it with 4 mins left. I couldn’t imagine 7+ and above with the time punishment you get from deaths.
It really is one of the easier dungeon this season 😂 learn the ropes before you jump onto the keystones simple as hell 😉😉
Worst dungeon
had a +8 dawnbreaker as a 611 prot warrior, everything was fine until the 2nd mini boss. we wiped twice to her and then the rest of the instance was a piece of cake. really odd