You can unsub from WoW

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39 thoughts on “You can unsub from WoW”

  1. I think this would actually be healthier for the game than not. Blizzard obviously wants our money, so if a bunch of people started doing this, they would hopefully do something to entice purple more to stay longer as a response

  2. I think it’s just a mentality thing. Like the FF14 devs openly encourage going to play other games while there’s a content lull, while I imagine that message wouldn’t go over well with Blizzard shareholders. You’re absolutely right though, anyone can stop at any point and come back no problem 🤷🏻‍♂️

  3. for me WoW feels like a chore and the People in the game doesn't make it more plesant, ff14 on the other hand feels like a Hobby and i like to interact with the People who do the same.

  4. I've always felt too much pressure in guilds to stick around and fniish progressing through content. That and it takes people time to get used to any class changes. The first month of an expansion barely gets you ready to raid and the content isn't good enough to just play through and not stick around for raiding anyway.

  5. That's why I Like GW2. Sometimes I get that WoW itch, but I don't want to play after 10 or so days. Them I get that itch or a patch comes out next month so I need to resub again.

    I only keep my sub on now cause there is so much available in other forms of wow. Done raiding in SoD? Hardcore level. Die to DC in HC? Raid ICC. This is the longest I've kept my sub.

    I still prefer the pay to play though.

  6. It’s funny you say that because I did that for both Cataclysm and MoP over a decade ago, playing only the first month of a patch, when the game was much less friendly to pauses, but now the game is actually seasonal and players don’t understand they can do it. 😂

  7. Depends on how much time you have to play wow. For me, 1 month with a toddler, wife and full time job = Not enough time to play the expansion or patch in that time frame. I just pay for the yearly sub and count it as a house expense…

  8. I used to get into a lot of trouble in my relationship for mansplaining. I had a lot of trouble recognizing when I was doing it. Naguura has saved my relationship! I watch a Naguura clip a day so I can hear someone else mansplain to remind myself what it sounds like. Thanks Naguura!


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