Your CLASS For Season of Discovery Does Not Matter | World of Warcraft

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The Best Class in Season of Discovery and What is it? And why it does not exist.

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17 thoughts on “Your CLASS For Season of Discovery Does Not Matter | World of Warcraft”

  1. Warlocks are currently absolutely dogshit in STV Blood Moon. Dots take too long to ramp up damage in Affliction, in Destro it takes about 5 seconds to get your burst window. The only option is to go meta and jump around spamming searing pain, and hope you win the DPS race in a 1v1. Almost all other classes can burst you down in a global, while you're hard casting, or waiting for dots to tick. This is compounded when your team gets layered away, leaving you fight coordinated groups 1v5 who have managed to stay on the same layer. Thankfully they're terrific in PvE but it's a shame a few BiS items are behind a grind which takes other classes days.

  2. None of this matters if we just end up with a "one-shot" pvp meta. Then you can say its perfectly balanced, cause everyone will be able to one-shot everyone. He who hits first, Wins. and that is called "Balance"

  3. yea ngl the longer this season goes on the more disappointed i become. Was hoping this would be new abilities (like spellfrost bolt) not just porting in retail abilities and making Retail Lite. So that being said, i developed an Elemental Shaman Tank build and the gear is optimal lmao

  4. Phase 1 I chose to play Priest DPS, turns out it wasn't good. Rerolled Melee Hunter, turns out it also wasn't good. Re-rolled Shaman tank for P2, and now they aren't too good.

    P3 I haven't decided which class I'm gonna ruin…

  5. One of the best parts of SoD is the ever changing meta. I’ve never been a meta slave, I play what I think is fun. One week my class/spec might own, the next week it might be mediocre. I don’t care. It’s a game, stop taking it so serious and have fun!

  6. Imho the game is absolute trash at the moment. I had a blast for the leveling period, but as PvP player there is just no endgame for me. Yesterdasy i was in Arathi Basin playing against 5 shadow priests and a few mages. Whenever i opened i was instantly dead. Same thing in the STV Events. There isn't even remotely a balancing wich makes PvP unplayable. I think its insane that they charge more than 10 bucks for a game that already existed and where they only implemented abilities that aren't new and spend 0 ressources for balancing the game in the slightest. Unfortunately the WoW addicts are so desperate and play anyways, like that nothing will ever change..


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