Your Classic WoW Fresh Begins NOW

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🚀 Use this guide to level SUPER FAST in Classic WoW:


#classicwow #wowclassic #worldofwarcraft


38 thoughts on “Your Classic WoW Fresh Begins NOW”

  1. Good video Hammer. But, I won't be playing fresh. I, unlike most, like new challenges. SoD was that but the sad boomer community just wants the same game over and over. Well BOOMERs, you can have it. I'm off to experience new things. It's sad but so true, the Classic community kinda blows 🙁

  2. The "joyn a casual friendly guild" thing wont work for most people. 3 hour MC runs are only cool once. The main reason people tend to push is because they already progressed throu all of the content. You cant turn back time by simulating beeing a noob. As much as I would love to relive all of that, its just not possible.

  3. Video makes zero sense, since you’re advertising with leveling guide and asking people to play a certain way makes 0 sense, also this version you’re talking about is already here. It’s hardcore WoW.

  4. I feel like I am one of the only people who has been playing classic at that pace. And while I would like to agree with everything you've just said, I'm not really convinced this community is ready to drop the optimizer mindset. I'll be happy to be proven wrong, though.

  5. I hate when I can't keep up with everyone rushing through a dungeon. Killing everything before I can get there I can't look around or even find out what I'm supposed to do. I can't even think of doing a raid… No way.

  6. ehh, I quit wow after 20+ years of bullshit, playing RoR warhammer mmo and its alot better then sod and vanilla, I like the fact I can call people bad on it without being banned too even though im complete trash at it rn.. blizzard became more strict then riot with trashtalking. Go woke go broke atleast with my money. RoR is amazing, pvp events constantly in the overworld, WoW style tab targeting pvp with fast and insta globals… Realm vs realm pvp is intense. It produces a much better living world and player experience.. it feels like how old wow felt back in 04… except better tbh.

  7. I like to think about WoW being more than just a video game. Maybe I could call it an experience. To deepen my experience I spent time reading many Warcraft novels and would encourage others to do the same if you have an interest in learning more of the lore. I have not read all of them but a fair number, like maybe 17 or so. I enjoyed watching the LoL animated series Arcane (season 2 is being released now) and I wish I could see something like that for WoW. A new WoW movie would be great too. Casual playing is definitely the way I have played the game mostly and will continue to in the future. I hope the WoW universe just keeps expanding and we get to see more novels and lore and shows. I often wonder what it would be like to play WoW but with the most current graphics available.

  8. My friend and I have been playing this game for years. We’ve experienced most of the content, maxed the professions and made a million gold. We never went into raiding, just because of this high-ceiling expectation from the community of how you must play so you can be part of the raids. I really hope that this time around we might find a normal guild which is I’ll allow us to raid with them, slowly and without expectations of min-maxing. Please L, Wow community, create this environment. I’m sure me and my friends are not alone. Can you imagine never seeing Onixia up-close?❤

  9. Min/max + parsing is ruining classic community. This is the most boring way to play the game, being in a constant farm mode.
    This game was about social interactions. About meme specs, calling friends to save you from gankers. It was about chatting and get to know other people on your 10-20 minute way to dungeon. It was about guild and raids drama, asslickers, GMs offering loot to his in- game girlfriend which in reality it was a dude behind that toon and many more.
    In 2005 I remember I made 4 friends in dead mines and next 3 months we leveled together to 60, each own in his pace but helping each other in case of need.


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