Your king is back with a new quiz November 26, 2024 by warcraftquizoff Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ Full version on Tiktok Sorry guys but I’m limited to 59sec here… #worldofwarcraft #wow #thewarwithin #warcraft #quiz source
The 5th one is actually false. It's not Goblins, it's Gnomes. Goblins are known for the explosives in engeneering, whereas Gnomes are the ones known for the gadgets Reply
i mean i said gnome and not goblin lol
The 5th one is actually false. It's not Goblins, it's Gnomes. Goblins are known for the explosives in engeneering, whereas Gnomes are the ones known for the gadgets
6/6 dam i must play to much
Goblin are for explosives, gadgets are gnomes
duel more u newb.
The last question, I was in doubt if it was gnomes or goblins xd
6/6 damn….sure play tooo much lol