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In this video I guide you through the 7 things you should make sure to do during the first week of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands!
0:00 Intro
0:42 Leveling
3:07 Professions
3:57 Renown, Callings and World Quests
5:23 The Maw
6:41 Torghast
8:08 Legendaries
9:33 Mythic Dungeons
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Thanks for watching, see you all next time! 😀
#nubkeks #wow #worldofwarcraft #shadowlands
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Everyone is making Week 1 videos, but what I wanna know is wtf do I do on week 2??!
*Crying in Silvermoon alliance *
Really useful. Thank you!
Are you kidding? Expect problems? Fuck blizzard! Just retur me My money for this joke of a game! If they didnt even fix problems out they jøhad 8 times befote they just dont care and are shitting om you!
Hey I played WotLK ~10years ago and I am just now getting back into WoW. I think this is true of a lot of people and gathering old players is a main focus of Blizzard (free to reactivate weekend, new faster leveling, removing barriers, etc.)
When I played in WotLK there were: Heroic Dungeons, 10man raid, 25man raid, 10man heroic raid, 25man heroic raid. These raids were run with master loot and the items were always the same ilvl when they appeared in a specific instance. Nowadays there's Mythic+, scaling ilvl, and so many other stuff that I don't understand, as well as a new (new to me) personal loot system.
I think a video covering what all of these are and covering what to expect to returning players would be very helpful. And I think there are a lot of people lining up for Shadowlands that are in this same boat, and looking to youtube for answers and nobody is providing it. This video could be very popular, as you would also be reaping the rewards of Blizzards targeted marketing campaign. If this video already exists, please feel free to direct me over to it.
Love your vids, thanks for making them.
The day nubkeks started sneaking hidden ads into the middle of his videos 😢
Hey, just wanted to ask what addon you use to show your rage bar and buffs like that?
congrats on the sponsors lately. glad to see you're doing well 🙂
@nubkeks I believe M0 and Torghast layers dont open till weekly reset, which wont happen till Dec 1st.
How do you tell differende from story line quests and regular?
most important things? Buy a shitton of weed and noudles, close your door and your windows, turn off the phone, and buy pampers.
My favourite wow content creator right here! Relaxed, great content and too the point.
Thank you for all your content/videos you've been sharing.
For me, you are the most positive/fun YouTuber of all. (while providing a ton of facts/calculations/good Illustrations )
keep it up mate!
My usual is day one max level, day 2 regs and heroics, night of day 2 a mythic or two, day 3 with your gear carry the fresh 60's and do some mythics, do mythics all done. Done.
Let's just hope that the game will be playable from the first day of the release.
Do you have an ETA on the ranged spec rankings? I'm curious on your opinions, and not sure what I'm going with yet myself. :S
Feels bad having to wait 2 weeks for mythic + to open up.. seems like for the frist 2 week theres not really much to do. Level up and gear up to 184, and youre set. Im probably gonna grind out some professions
Hey Nubkeks, or anyone else that knows, what transmog are you using on your Orc Warrior that you've been playing to show off SL content? Is it from a specific covenant? Because I want that – bad.
Do the legendary recipes drop from normal/heroic dungeons too? Or only from mythic level dungeons?
Hey Nubkeks,for one more time you made an excellent video,i just want to ask you some things that they are not crystal clear to me or i just want to be 100% sure
1)Renown-Callings—-) 3 weekly quests total,good to make them because we take level in renown board and we take conduits?
2)Maw—)2 weekly quests and you can farm(limited time) minions so you can take Stygia,Stygia we can use it for extra socked?
3)We farm anima from many resources,where we use it?and what it rewards us?
Thanks in advance,keep doing so good videos!!!
Great summary of the top things to do upon Shadowlands release! I'll definitely be hitting Shadowlands hard
Don't forget Step 0: Pick a main to play.
ive watched 6 of these and still dont totally understand completely.
Should have mentioned that reagent farming will be better for gold as there will be far fewer multiboxers
The base items for making a Legendary will be grossly overpriced on my server, especially if crafting them requires something more than just basic mats (I haven't looked at recipes so I don't know)
So one day then check 15h np
Do you have to do the world quests to unlock everything? Will it get effect me if I only do main quests to lv up to 60?
Can you plz talk a little slower. We who are not from an english spoken land , have difficult to understand. Thank you.
How is your health bar called?
9:38 they recently said that Myth 0 dungeons will be coming in week 2. Huge f`n bummer.