Read more about Shadowlands ➜
It’s the calm before the storm of the upcoming 9.1.5 PTR season! Let’s find out what’s going on in Shadowlands this week while we impatiently wait for the first build!
Soul’s Morning Stream – 830AM Tuesday through Thursday
Raid Streams – 7PM Tuesdays and Thursdays
World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20!
#warcraft #shadowlands
dont forget to mention that this weeks maintenance comes with another maintenance!
ma boi soul yay!
You should do a song every video you release 😂
Opening and closing mog sets looked the best
servers are down and it's not even Tuesday yet
Yes, I'm the 69th like
This channel is slowly turning into a Disney musical
Just here to remind you Wow is a dead game
Those of us who have been on vacation, this week, will also have 'renown catch ups' for doing I'm not sure what, but something will give them to me.
2:45 did you just say trash is crap and not to worry about boss mechanics because it's a tyrannical week? Lol you got that backwards bro
TOS – the only time I care what my toon wears.
Looks like you got to add the new 200,000 anima max limit! And them saying possibility of transfering anima to alts as well as it following you covenant to covenant, yay.
The anima cap was increased for me last night to 200K.. Finally!!!
Love the weekly song!!
I will be drinking Bourbon with soul……well I work third shift so it's the end of my day!!!