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That jailer bit was actually less insulting than the actual cutscene. Captain Grim at least had the decency to not even pretend to be serious.
im the bloodelf after watching the new helm of domination 🙁 my emotions was hurt soo bad
The Burger King crown got me so hard.. Lol
Amazing video by Grim again XD and i didn't even play SL (look like i didn't miss anything anyway)
The Gm writing that was soft confirmed to be Daneuser. Grim was genius there.
Anyone else notice Zepla reading the book in a William Shatner cadence?
Why does wow love the color blue so much. It's so ugly of a game
Lost it at "Now now, you're ruining our son's moment!"
Ladies and gentlemen, the utterly laughable “story telling” of Steve Danuser…..
Oh she didn't finish reading the book…
brilliant 🙂
I like how he skipped over Arthas, just like Blizzard did.
jesus christ, after all these reactions videos i cant take it anymore… ZEPLA SHUT UP AND WATCH IT. how can you react when you talk and laugh and look at chat while its playing?
<3 !
Just saying, all that build up from the being who supposedly pulled all the strings.
Was defeated immediately by players, all that build up just for Gnomes and Vulperas alike jump and kick the most powerful entity in the (Supposed) Shadowlands, the Thanos of WoW in the balls, as if the players just LET him have an advantage because it would of been too easy.
Like… what.
I kind of enjoy the idea Asmon was saying before, that we don't defeat him, we die and he restarts everything.
That would of been unique. Still garbage but unique and ACCEPTABLE.
3:30 should have used that moment to let him meet his mother, Tiffin. He only knew her when he was a baby. Would have been really emotional to see her. And knowing Varian and her were now together.
So funny
Welp, this is all i need to understand all of WoW/W3 story!
I love Captain Grim's videos but I have to come here because Zepla's laugh gives me life <3
I love how he didn't even show anything about the arthas wisp. It was so dumb it wasn't worth a bit.
I can't help but feel shes just not sincere with her laughing. Just seems fake and forced, just trying to artifically engage with audience. I could be wrong but it comes off a bit cringe..
that XQC bit lol
Baine did the smart thing – he sat out on Shadowlands because it wasn't treating him right.
Helm of domination hurt my heart the most
and then you compare with the duo shadowbringer and endwalker… maybe nexte addon will be good copium
I so related to that DK Belf getting upset about the "Crown of Wills" The iconography of the Helm of Domination is pure and they just made it into this plastic piece of green gear for the giant butter man. DX
I'm glad they kept Elune mysterious and distant for one fifth of a century only to reveal she was a bumbling moron the entire time.