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DISCLAIMER: This is based on what I personally like in the classes, and mostly around the amount of changes they are making.
ALSO: disc and ret and frost mage — not on the chart
THIS DOES NOT MEAN IT IS THE HIGHEST DPS / HEALER. It just means I think it will be the most fresh and fun classes / specs to play in the new Shadowlands WoW expansion.
I know some people will hate me for what I’ve said but i’ve been asked this question soo much
Enhance Doomwinds testing:
Mage Conduits:
Monk Conduits:
Soulbind system review :
Developer update reaction:
If you enjoy please SUBSCRIBE, and LIKE!!
👻Deathknight + Necrolord =
😈Demo Warlock Feedback! :
⚡Enhance/ Elemental / Resto Shaman changes :
💪Enhance DEEP DIVE:
❄️Frost DK –
💡Holy Paladin :
🐈Feral Changes:
🌙Balance Druid changes :
🐻Beast Master Hunter Changes:
🏹Marksman Hunter Changes:
🍃Resto Druid changes :
👻Shadow Priest changes :
☠️Affliction Warlock changes :
This video is actually an experiment for my YouTube channel.
#Shadowlands #WorldofWarcraft #Tiqqle
He sounds like his parents have already popped in twice and told him to go to bed.
asmr wow tierlist
You can choose which eclipse you go in fool…
11:39 – used to love BM hunter until the talent tree got ruined and the pruning around MoP/WoD. It feels too simplified and restrictive now, and marks in BfA is crazy amounts of fun. BM needs to feel more complex, as if you're playing two characters at once; relying on the pet for most of the damage and peels, and the character having to survive while the pet does the work.
By gaining Master's Call in BfA, you were forced to give up some other crucial ability which I can't remember, so it just didn't feel viable, whereas bursting shot and explosive trap with MM feels insanely fun.
Man I was so sure I had picked my main for SL, then your first 3 S Tiers are all of my past favorite specs… fuuuu
You aren't understanding the Spriest rebuild, that's pretty obvious.
Spriest comment: voidform is free, its in a cd. DP hits like a truck so yes, gate it behind 50 insanity.
-.- Wanted to know where you see 😀 fire was good enough in whole BFA..frost NEEDS TO SHINE again !
On my news feed I saw alot about the "minotaurs" . Just saying. It is not related to this video. Just wanna share my experience.
lmfao paused the video after 2min. enh. in S tier dude i guess you didn't play shaman before the maelstrom resource shit. You don't even know the feeling of spreading your flame shock and spamming fire nova as the enemy melts.
Ah so that's where asmongolds hair went
I can make balance top the charts in most environments over the years. Granted some abilities are useless and we get changes that don’t make sense.
meanwhile is shadowlands dps meta , shaman the lower dps before survival hunter. Surely THE class to play. Its all will come down to the damage. Nobody ever said or will say -“Damn we need a shaman in m+” BM is like 5 times more usefull.
that hair?
Frost mage ewwwww
Out of those which more easy on the hands (caroal tunnel) for raiding and pve contents ?
so warriors will be shit again i guess
Touch of death change is great. You obviously don't play monk. The current ToD is way too easy to work around in high level arena.. people see it and CC you in half a second.
Shadow is fun, its not cata fun, but its a big improvement imo. power infusion, DP, thoughtsteal owns, damnation owns, free VP and SWP uptime with the unfurling darkness, aoe with the mindsear if you go that build, smoking rocks bro, but its an opinion at the end of the day.
Great video! Would suggest turning down the WoW app. Gets loud real fast compared to your voice!
So many ads man. Shame on you
After playing enhance on the beta for about 30ish hours. Lavalash feels really weak and useless unless you fully spec into it(lashing+hothand+hailstorm). For some odd reason double windfury weapon feels better than flametongue and more fun. Combined with a active earthen spike+sundering build you can completely remove lavalash from the rotation as it deal less than auto attack damage without flametongue..Ofc this(fun) is probably not intended so they'll disable double windfury and force us back into lava lash. A main attack should not require 3 talents to feel useful.
Besides that, chain lightning feels like aoe clutter. It makes the aoe rotation too busy. As it seems stormstrike+crash lightning buff makes maelstrom proc more, which leads to either spamming chains every 3rd gcd while stormstrike is also off cd half the time and gets wasted. And that's without hailstorm or fire nova in the rotation.
Imo, they should give us the option to choose between wf+wf or wf+ft or ft+ft builds for pure single target, cleave, aoe situations. This would make things much more interesting.
Remove chain lightning and buff crash lightning.
Just a suggestion: say the name of the tier you are placing each class at out loud so that people can listen to your video while playing.
Nice work!
spriest last tier…. gg nosense rating
Man, you really love your voice? Just minutes and minutes monotonic bullshit. Get to the point faster. Not need complete story