Is WoW Worth Playing Again? My Shadowlands Experience

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27 thoughts on “Is WoW Worth Playing Again? My Shadowlands Experience”

  1. Avoid the fate system do the story again. The fate stystem is a mess the unscaled lvl 62 rares and treasures dont go to your % bars 9/10 times. I went to revendreth 1st i did 5 levels trying to fill the bar.

  2. I don't know what happened in my case,(Maybe I was a little hooked up with AC: Valhalla) but I struggled to get to level 60. I used to get totally absorbed by the game on launch week but this time I Started with my Shadow priest and played a couple of hours, reading the quest info, getting the lore like always but I got bored in a couple of hours. I then spent the whole week playing sporadicly like saying: Come on! I have to like this!. I loved the zone designs (Revendreth is the most amazing thing ever), Maldraxxus storyline was really good (That was the only hours I felt totally abosrbed) but the other zones felt just like meh… I got to 60 yesterday and that was it. I was not really really excited to estart doing endgame things. It is kind of sad but I didn't find the enjoyment I thought I would.

  3. I didn't like leveling through bastion tooo much. Currently in Maldraxus and like that more. Bastion was i felt the npc's there didn't know how to see the difference between me (a soul inside a a living flesh body) and those dead souls. Only the end seemed like it mattered really, when they got attacked.

  4. 2:30 I actually really really REALLY appreciate that the strong storytelling revolves around new characters and situations rather than the ones we're already very familiar with. This is where Warcraft's storytelling strengths have always been: world-expansion. I love all our staple characters — Thrall, Jaina, etc. — but when we keep going back to those recurring characters for every single story beat, it creates the feeling of forcedly dragging out their story, multi-season TV soap opera-style. It also takes away the story from being YOURS as a character; if these recurring characters keep popping up every single time, with extended dialogue and cinematics about them again and again — you become an unspeaking side character in THEIR story.

  5. You will love Shadowlands:

    If you liked WOW WOTLK

    If you have at least 2-3 other friends (requirement to avoid 30min+ queue times)

    If you like an experience: come in do your weekly stuff, repeat.

    You won't like it very much if:

    You like wide and deep stories and narrative.

    You like to get things done faster or playing longer (limited by weekly resets)
    You are a collector of mounts, pets, outfits, (limited or reused from previous expansions)

  6. The constant drum beating against titan forging is so ridiculous to me. It was just a bonus. If my less hardcore friends needed help, I could help them and still know I had a slight chance for an upgrade, and for some reason that was a huge negative? Because people wanted a set bis piece that they could not upgrade again until the next tier, meaning eventually they’d be raiding with no possibility of a drop. Way to go

  7. I unsubbed from anything else just to focus on WoW for this period but… what can I say: maybe 15 years of mostly faithful and continuous gaming are too much even for me?

    I think that the systemic mess that BFA was very likely dragged my spirit down so much that I'm now struggling to keep my interest afloat. I like the zones and lore seems kind of interesting but gameplay all in all is more of the same and I really don't look forward to farming anima, soul ash, conduits, so on and so forth. One could say that that's most of the game and if I don't like I'd better look somewhere else but… I disagree. This game could be better off without that exceedingly overlayered bulls**t but I know that, at this point, complaining is pretty pointless.
    I just hope that raiding with my guildies will feel somewhat good again.

  8. Is it fair to make this video? Considering the whole channel is based around WoW it would be pretty counterintuitive to make a video telling people not to get/play it lol

    Love shadowlands btw

  9. I come back for every xpac and I have to say Shadowlands is a lot of fun. Feels like they really catered to casual players which is cool. Game is kind of buggy, but nothing to crazy. Overall a good game, but nothing spectacular.

  10. Am I the only one that got to about level 53 and felt like throwing up if I had to complete another pointless quest? Anyways probably just a sign I need to uninstall for a few months.

  11. TBH leveling in Shadowlands sucks ass. Technically it's more than fine, but the story is not quite engaging, immersive or warcrafty. I adore this game, been playing it since late BC, leveiling through a new content was always so much fun for me each and every time. Just before the prepatch I leveled up a new alt and enjoyed every second of it. But doing Shadowlands content is just… meh. It lacks Warcraft element in it.


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