16 thoughts on “1 element shaman vs raid boss in mop remix #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft”
Is this normal or heroic? I have yet to do raids on either. I get nervous joining groups cause I feel like my gear or stats are lacking in some way but kudos to him for get y’all through it
Is this normal or heroic? I have yet to do raids on either. I get nervous joining groups cause I feel like my gear or stats are lacking in some way
but kudos to him for get y’all through it 


I remember old wotlk times on prot paladin i knew his feelings
Legends never die
Remix is insane, and i LOVE IT
Ele shaman clutch. Love seeing my main raiding spec go off like this.
Of course its stormscale
Should have just ran prot paladin they could solo everything back then with vengeance buff through enrage.
had that last week too but it wasnt only one it was me as heal one tank and one monk with incredibly high hp
Vans most peasant brand in the world
Raid Leader:The boss is too difficult
Shaman: hold my totems
Bro that was sick
I pulled a clutch on a heroic scenario today on my paladin, ngl, was fun
This boss wipes raids even in LFR… guess people forgot the basic rule;
"Thou shalt move out of the fire!"
Didnt Cata just release and SoD 6 months ago?
When did MoP happen??