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Someone play hs? 😄
They 100% need to extend it
🥱😴💤 waiting on hearthstone to install
1000000% extend
Signs that Blizz can become good again?
or you could log back into HS for the mount, and then stay and play because HS is a great game- instead of telling people to log out immediately lmao
I like this gimmick of Crossovering with HS , better then the Pokémon pet battle 😅
This is a step in the right direction they NEEEED to implement hearthstone so it’s literally the same as playing regular hearthstone where it’s linked to your hearthstone account
Why don't they have more mini-games in the game? They need their own version of Triple Triad.
log in for the event and do the hs battle table. Couldnt attack with any minions and no portal spawned XD Well done blizzard.
Yea cool event Accept the loot is more likely not to be lootable than it is
Sat at the hearthstone location in valdraken for over an hour with NO spawns!
So theres 2 mounts? the horse for logging on hearthstone and the disk?
Maybe instead of increasing the duration of the event, they should change that on all 3 spots simultaneously a boss will spawn each hour (so you would have less ppl on each).
World of CollectableCraft
When will wow actually add hearthstone as a playable game within wow sheesh
Is there a timer somewhere? I dont want to spend hours doing nothing in a capital city…
Yes they should extend it! Also notice you get a toy that can only be used during this one time event.
I got the mount on my very first kill. Not sure how rare it is. It's not even been 24hrs and I think I have everything or at least close. I dont see why it needs to run for a month
No its not ''alot'' of people who wants this in the game. People can go and play their boring ass card game somewhere ells and leave WoW alone.
If the portals spawned like they were supposed to this would be easy.
Since the patch today, the portals are now spawning in all 3 locations at the same time. Maybe it was causing sever problems having all the players move from zone to zone on mass. Now you can just stay in one spot and it will popup each hour for you without needing to move
Extend it please!! So much Bs in the beginning and I'm worried I won't get everything 😢
Hearthstone should just be completely absorbed into WoW as a mini game.
theres also a 36 slot bag that can drop as well
I didn't get the horse after log in, did I do something wrong ?
For people who have never played hearthstone before it seems like you must go through the tutorial before you log in and back out so log in play the tutorial log out log back in log out again and you should have it
video starts at 9:18