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Pointless Top 10 Playlist:
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#crendor #worldofwarcraft #warcraft
Thank you Crendor, love these!
Hello Crendor
Early gang
Now bigger and better!
I dont understand how 7:10 isen't super easy? Why do wow youtubers that have played the game for 20 years have a hard time with wow geogusser. Look at the vry'kul wall behind and that its near the road?
Coffee in hand, and Crendor identifying fictional map locations. Life is good.
I've never even played wow why am I watching
the thumbnail with you looking confused and the "where am i?" text makes me crack up every time you upload one of these. favorite Cox n Crendor moment for sure.
I love this. My day has been made
Oh I thought I was the only one that liked this idea. Do many cool many cool places to hide
6:00 How do you not recognise Utgarde Keep!
Almost a full hour of Crendor Geoguesser! Pure bliss 💞🤗
Hey it's me, Crendor, here for a comfy hour to chill and find your way through Azeroth
Waiting for my family to help me move, hoping this video holds me in a timeless black hole so they never arrive 😭😭
I have to admit, this was frustrating to watch. I think I might have spent too much time in WoW…
imagine having such a big empty abandoned world
and adding even more "island" expansions with a new retconned "lore"
this game is a mess
the new thousand needles… from 14 years ago
It's crazy how even though post-Cataclysm zones have been around longer than the pre-Cataclysm ones were I still have the pre-Cata versions memorized better and get confused when figuring out where some of these locations are. I guess that's the power of nostalgia. The mind works in mysterious ways. 😆
every time i have a sims moment and forget what i'm doing in a room i hear crendor in my head going "where am i" from that podcast episode