1 Hour of Guessing where I am in World of Warcraft (WoW GeoGuessr)

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20 thoughts on “1 Hour of Guessing where I am in World of Warcraft (WoW GeoGuessr)”

  1. I dont understand how 7:10 isen't super easy? Why do wow youtubers that have played the game for 20 years have a hard time with wow geogusser. Look at the vry'kul wall behind and that its near the road?

  2. It's crazy how even though post-Cataclysm zones have been around longer than the pre-Cataclysm ones were I still have the pre-Cata versions memorized better and get confused when figuring out where some of these locations are. I guess that's the power of nostalgia. The mind works in mysterious ways. 😆


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