10.2.7 Could Shape The Future of Retail World of Warcraft

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17 thoughts on “10.2.7 Could Shape The Future of Retail World of Warcraft”

  1. i hate that there is so many collectibles in a fomo on a small time period midsummer. Would be fine to readd challenge mode and stuff but instead they force you to redo all campaigns, rep farms for recolored mounts.

  2. Why do people overthink this. All it is, is a fun little game mode to give people something to do until the new xpack releases. Nothing more and nothing less. It's like diablo/POE meets WoW. Looks fun to me. I'm in. Remember when we would have to wait over a year for something new to do. It was brutal I would take this over that anytime.

  3. Raid flexibility with smaller groups is exactly why I prefer raiding in FFXIV at the moment and just doing m+ when I'm playing WoW. I don't wanna deal with 19 other people to do mythic raids in WoW when I can just deal with 7 other people in another MMO I enjoy playing

  4. just dont understand wow player seriously….
    in shadowland s3/s4 barely any new content people cry about it.
    end of s3/s4 DF a brand new game mode + a entire old expansion with new cosmetic and sht and people still crying about it…..
    MAX was right WOW player never gonna be happy and will always complain about everything

  5. I like it because i can't do mythic or mythic+ df. Where do one joins? not a lot of people have just mythic dungeons up for the achievement for example good boy mount. I think its dumb they took just mythic out of df on lfr. for people wanting to complete the achievement. You need to be in guild or know players to do mythic with. Which me as player in wow a lot of stuff i do is solo. I do not know a lot of people do mythic raids and dungeons with. They need to make both for two sides.

  6. This isnt for people who considering themselves elite players. This is for people to have fun with. You're worried that they bring this to live and then your skill no longer matters as much. A weakaura can then just tell people what to press.

  7. As a casual that spends most of the time making gold, I love the current power level available from outdoor content, I think its a great balance. I'm looking forward to this new mode, I hope they don't change any balance in retail from it though outside the event.


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